Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Northern Health outlines COVID vaccine plans to date

Northern Health used its Prince Rupert area social media stream on Tuesday to relay some further information on how the COVID-19 vaccine program will roll out; though it was more of a general advisory rather than any kind of a timetable of when residents of the North Coast may anticipate their jab in the arm.

In response to a question posed on the Northern Health social media forum, the Northern Health Communications office noted the following:

So far, a small number of Isolated Northwest Indigenous Nations have received their vaccines through the Federal program, while Mills Memorial Hospital in Terrace also received their first shipment of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and held its first clinic for high risk health care worker and long term care residents earlier this week.

That so far is the only notice of distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in the Northwest.

More on the vaccines currently approved for use in Canada can be reviewed here.

In their post, Northern Health observed that more information will be provided as they receive it, the Commenting process on their social media forum note from Tuesday has since been turned off.

As part of yesterday's provincial COVID update from Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix, it was noted that the early vaccination plan is for first-priority populations, with  a wider distribution plan to follow.

“While the focus is on first-priority populations in the next three months, as new vaccines are approved and additional supply becomes available, we will incorporate the additional doses into our distribution to enable as many people as possible to be immunized as soon as they can."

On Monday, Doctor Henry had outlined the guiding principles of the vaccination program through its early days.

“Since the start of immunizations up to yesterday, 24,139 people have received a COVID-19 vaccine in British Columbia. While our December allotment was limited, the smaller initial deliveries have allowed us to refine our processes and address any hurdles that have emerged as we ramp up our provincewide immunization program. Our approach is to maximize distribution, while balancing supply – vaccinating as many high-risk people as possible in this initial period."

Further notes on health related themes in the Northwest can be explored from our archive page here.

Prince Rupert specific health notes can be found from our Prince Rupert Archive page.

 Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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