Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Chamber of Shipping shares word of ongoing trial period for the Haida Gwaii Voluntary Protection Zone

A Canadian based maritime organization, the Chamber of Shipping is providing a refresher course for the global shipping community when it comes to a maritime advisory put in place in the second half of 2020 to offer protection for the Haida Gwaii Archipelago.

This week the Chamber of Shipping offered up the reminder towards some of the elements of the Haida Gwaii Protection Zone, an alert of particular interest for those global shippers that are transiting in and out the Port of Prince Rupert.

The voluntary measure which was introduced in September of 2020 it running through to October 31st of this year and Advises Commercial vessel of over 500 gross tonnes to travel at least 50 nautical miles away from the shores of the West Coast of Haida Gwaii.

The temporary measure does allow for certain exemptions as follows:

You can review the shipping bulletin from Transport Canada here.

More notes on marine themes through Prince Rupert Port Authority can be reviewed from our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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