Friday, January 22, 2021

Lakelse Lake Park, Nisga'a Memorial Lava Beds Park and Haida Gwaii's Naikoon Park among those to share in provincial funding announced today

An area of the Nisga'a Memorial Lava Beds Park 
one of a number off BC Park areas to receive funding today

The Province of British Columbia has announced an investment program set to put five million dollars towards 24 provincial parks with a number of Northwest BC parks set to share in the program.

As part of today's roll out of the funding, Environment and Climate Change Minister George Heyman noted of the call from the public for more access to the parks.

“We have heard the call for greater access to the outdoors to promote health and well-being during COVID-19. These meaningful projects create jobs to address those needs as part of our support for B.C. communities. “Investing in provincial parks also protects sensitive ecosystems, supports our climate change goals and makes parks more accessible for everyone to enjoy.”

Among the improvements ahead for the Northwest:

Travellers who use Electric vehicles will soon be able to get a charge at Furlong Bay at Lakelse with a charging station set to be installed in the day use area of the Furlong site.

For the Nisga'a Memorial Lava Beds in the Nass Valley the upgrades will be focused on the interpretive audio-visual display at the visitor centre to provide an accessible cultural experience. Home to one of the youngest and most accessible volcanic features in B.C., the park gives visitors a chance to explore the unique volcanic landscape and learn about the culture and legends of the Nisga’a people.

Over on Haida Gwaii, funding will be directed towards water quality upgrades at NaikoonPark

MLA Nathan Cullen who represents the Stikine region which also received funding today hailed the investment for the region. 

“Our stunning provincial parks provide a place for us to unwind, connect with family and friends and enjoy nature, especially in these difficult times. By investing in electric vehicle charging stations in Tyhee Lake Provincial Park our government is adding to the more than 2,000 public Level 2 charging stations now stationed throughout the province. Protecting our parks means supporting clean transportation, which supports the CleanBC plan for a stronger, cleaner future.”

The full information release can be reviewed here.

There is no indication from today's announcement if any of the Province's park funding made it's way down Highway 16 and to the parks near Prince Rupert. 

For more notes from the Legislature see our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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