Wednesday, January 6, 2021

City of Prince Rupert issues reminder on Customer Service limitations at City Hall

With city staff back to work following the recent office closure over the holiday period, the City of Prince Rupert has once again offered up a reminder to the public as to the COVID-19 related restrictions in place for visits to City Hall.

In a social media post from Tuesday, the City notes there is a strict occupancy limit of 2 people at a time in City Hall's small customer service area in order to protect community health and safety, and masks are mandatory in the building. If there are already two people in the customer service area when you arrive, please wait outside, in a line safely distanced (6 ft) from other waiting patrons until it is your turn to enter.

The City also directs residents towards the civic website, where a number of online services are available to reduce the need to stop in at City Hall.

Among some of the services that they make note of:

Development-related permits and applications

Building Permit Applications

Resources and contact information for cemetery arrangements

Information on properties - including descriptions through the online GO MAP feature.

You can review the full notice from the City from their Facebook page.

For more notes on Prince Rupert City Hall themes see our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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