Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Gitxaala Nation Housing work coming along on Kootenay Avenue

A New Town Home development on Kootenay Avenue on
Prince Rupert's west side is starting to take shape

The framing is up for what will be some new accommodation to be found in the Kootenay Avenue area sometime in 2025, the housing project one which is being led by the Gitxaala Nation.

The project was announced in August of 2023, part of a blessing ceremony for the property that runs along the north side of Kootenay Avenue.

The shovels hit the ground on the work in October, With the Gitxaala Nation observing at time that once completed the finished project will bring 20 units of townhouse housing stock to the traditional and unneeded territory of the Nation.

If all continues on schedule the 20 new homes for Gitxaala members will be available for occupancy. by the summer of 2025. 

The project is being managed by the Prince Rupert Indigenous Housing Society (PRIHS), a non-profit housing organization representing the GitxaaĊ‚a Nation.  

Some past notes on the development can be reviewed below:

October 23, 2023 -- Gitxaala Nation gets to work on Kootenay Avenue Housing project 
August 21, 20223 -- MLA Rice relays news of new Housing for Gitxaala Nation member in Prince Rupert 

The Gitxaala Nation project is one of two high profile housing developments currently underway. 

Over on the east side of the city Lax Kw'alaams continues with their build of an a apartment complex at 11th Avenue East and McBride.

A number of other housing projects have been proposed in Prince Rupert, among those housing on Ninth Avenue West adjacent to the Prince Rupert Middle School, the latest approval for housing on Drake Crescent and a still to be revealed housing footprint for the Seal Cove region to name a few.

So far only the two developments led by the First Nations governments are currently in an active construction period. 

More notes on Housing in Prince Rupert can be reviewed here

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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