Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Provincial scene for Tuesday-Wednesday, August 30-31, 2022
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Victoria Viewpoints: Tuesday-Wednesday, August 30-31, 2022
Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Provincial scene for Tuesday-Wednesday, August 30-31, 2022
Ottawa Observations: Tuesday-Wednesday, August 30-31, 2022
Airport Operations resume following Tuesday flooding on Digby Island access road
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Flooding on the Airport access road on Digby Island resulted in an Airport closure and cancellation of the daily Air Canada flight on Tuesday |
Both the Prince Rupert Airport and the City of Prince Rupert have provided some further details on yesterday's airport closure owing to some challenges due to the atmospheric river of Monday and Tuesday.
As we outlined last night, the Air Canada flight to the city had been cancelled for Tuesday as a result of the flooding situation along the Digby Island Access road, with no access available to the Airport Terminal.
Today YPR officials took to the YPR Social Media stream with the update
The advisory through the YPR Facebook page, was the first use of that information sharing option since 2020 as things turned out.
The City of Prince Rupert also posted a short advisory through their Social media stream this afternoon.
Both advisories provide for the barest of any details and come more than 24 hours after the incident on the island.
Though the prospect of future information sharing from the airport through its social media page could be a welcome outcome of the situation that evolved on Tuesday.
The flooding came following an estimated 109 mm of rain fell over the Prince Rupert area on Monday evening/Tuesday morning.
More notes on aviation across the Northwest can be explored through our archive page.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review.
Northwest gets a bit closer towards hopes for a Regional Detox Centre
The Regional District of Kitiamt-Stikine is leading the way in the northwest towards seeking out a much needed health resource, with the organization recently putting forward plans to create a Select Committee to work towards the creation of Detox Centre for the region.
At their most recent Board Meeting, RDKS officials outlined the scope of their plan towards advocating for such a facility to serve the Northwest.
The details were provided as part of a staff report posted to the RDKS Agenda for their August meeting.
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A proposal towards a Northwest Detox Centre from the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (click to enlarge) |
Return to Bargaining will bring return to supply chain for BC Liquor, Cannabis locations
North Coast Residents may soon be able to pick up some of the favourite beverages or cannabis products at local sources, that at the BCGEU lifts its picket lines at warehouse locations across the province.
The stand down call for the picket lines came yesterday, as the Government Employees Union and the provincial government announced a return to bargaining in the dispute that has been ongoing for much of August.
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The BCGEU media release outlining some background on the return to the bargaining table |
The labour dispute had escalated in mid August with the union setting up its picket lines at the key distribution centres in the province, a move which resulted in supply shortages across the province.
Locally, the BC Liquor Store and private locations began to show some empty space for a variety of product lines, with the BC Liquor outlet putting in place a rationing program at one point.
The local private cannabis dealers across the city also began to see shortages of product.
The most recent update from the BCGEU expresses some hope that a tentative agreement will come shortly.
More notes on the Northwest retail sector can be reviewed from our archive page.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review.
City of Prince Rupert seeks Expressions of Interest for Vending Machine services for Jim Ciccone Civic Centre
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Prince Rupert's recreation centre on McBride Street is the focus for the latest call for Bids with the provincial agency BC Bid |
The latest call for bids from the City of Prince Rupert takes would be service providers to the Jim Ciccone Civic Centre, with the City issuing a call for Expressions of Interest towards the exclusive rights to vending machine services in the high traffic recreation facility on McBride Street.
The scope of expectations for the successful applicant is outlined as part of the prospectus for the REOI which was released on Tuesday.
Totem Pole Raising set for Terrace Campus of Coast Mountain College today
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The Wii Gyemsiga Siwilaawksat student housing building on the main campus of Coast Mountain College in Terrace |
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Monday/Tuesday rains brought cancelled flight for Prince Rupert owing to flooded access road on Digby Island
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Flooding somewhere along the Digby Island Road is reported to have been the cause for today's cancelled Air Canada service to the city (Map from the Windy Weather App) |
The atmospheric river that set up above Prince Rupert on Monday evening into Tuesday morning appears to have provided for some transportation issues in the city.
With the access road to the Digby Island airport reportedly suffering from flooded conditions, a situation which resulted in the cancellation of the scheduled Air Canada Service on Tuesday afternoon.
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A NavCanada NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) advised of the suspension of Airport service in Prince Rupert on Tuesday owing to a flooding of the Access road on Digby Island |
So far the City of Prince Rupert has not provided any notes related to the situation through their range of information options, nor have YPR officials made note of the issue through the little used YPR Social media feed.
The YPR Website is also seemingly out of commission at the moment.
City of Prince Rupert website
City of Prince Rupert Facebook page
YPR Facebook page
The early data on the Rainfall released by Environment Canada notes that 45mm fell on Monday, the Tuesday totals release on Wednesday showed that 64.0 mm of rain fell, for a combined total of 109 mm during the course of the weather event.
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Total Rainfall from August 29th |
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Total Rainfall from August 30th |
The North Coast Review has attempted to reach out to City officials this evening to learn more of the Airport road situation; should there be any updates related to the road and airport we'll provide them below, or in a follow up story.
Update: City of Prince Rupert officials have advised through Social Media that the road has reopened and that the Air Canada Flight schedule is back in effect for today.
More notes on Aviation in Prince Rupert can be explored through our archive page.
British Columbia's Bylaw adjudication process set to change departments in the fall
A provincial program which the City of Prince Rupert is set to join towards bylaw enforcement is about to see a change in oversight, with the province looking to bring the adjudication process into one office.
In some information sharing from the UBCM, it was noted last week, that the Bylaw Adjudication Program which currently was a shared responsibility with the Court Services Branch is to be absorbed completely by the Ministry of Attorney General's Tribunals, Transformation and Independent officers division.
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click above to enlarge |
Taking on the rumours, updating the state of health care in Prince Rupert and area the focus for two hour Town Hall Monday
Monday night's Town Hall Conversation on Health Care hosted by MLA Jennifer Rice provided a snapshot of where we are at the moment for the community, with Ms. Rice's guests on the evening charting the travels of health care through COVID and addressing a range of concerns for a small but energized audience at the Lester Centre.
The evening was divided into two segments, the first started with some storytelling and a greeting from Tsimshian elder Murray Smith who then turned the microphone back to Ms. Rice who introduced the first speaker on the night, Julia Pemberton from Northern Health.
The Northern Health administrator carried the bulk of the information sharing and provided for an extensive overview of the recent transit through the challenges of COVID and took on a number of themes that have gained some traction in the community in recent months.
Ms. Pemberton's presentation though the evening included some stories of service from staffers at Northern Health which paid tribute to the work of those at the hospital and. in the health care professions in the community.
Her observations noting of a collective which is working hard despite many challenges that face the community when it comes to providing for services, with notes relayed on recruiting themes and how housing is proving to be a major concern towards attracting health care professionals to the North Coast.
"The people who are left standing in our health care system today have done the hardest work of their careers and the hardest work in the latest history in Health care.
And Im so grateful for every single of them who continue to come to work, who continue to advocate for their staff, but also for their people and their patients and their clients.
And I don't know what our future holds, I have some plans and I do think that there is hope on the horizon. But I just want to start by really thanking the community for their patience, in what the last two and a half years has meant.
It's meant that sometimes we haven't been able to provide service at a level that we used to and it still means that in some cases.
I'm just fiercely proud and protective of the people who continue to stand with Northern Health and continue to come to work every day and serve us. They don't need to work for us, they don't need to work here, it's a market where they can pick up jobs anywhere in the province and anywhere in the country.
So the fact that they continue to choose Prince Rupert as their home and Northern health as their employer makes me extremely proud of each and every one of them"
Among the themes of attraction of staff, the Health administrator observed as to how Northern Health had lost a potential of 18 recruits for health care in the region owing to the housing situation in the community.
A new initiative on housing has assisted in addressing some of those challenges, though the additional issue of daycare services has been a recurring theme for would be recruits.
Of note of her compassion and pride for the staff of Northern Health and the challenges they have faced she observed how Health care in the region has been working with fifty percent less staff than before COVID, with the staffing levels a priority for Northern Health and the numbers starting to build up again, partially owing to some provincial funding to attract and retain staff members in the region.
"To put this in perspective, currently right now, it varies on departments but overall in all of my centres I"m dealing with an average of fifty percent staff less staff than I had before the pandemic started and we're trying to deliver almost the same level of service. So this puts incredible strain on ever single person because their constantly asked to do more with less"
The night at the Lester Centre served as a welcome update to a presentation to City Council in 2021 and Ms. Pemberton could point to some success when it comes to the recruitment of Physicians and Specialists since the 2021 review.
The Northern Health Administrator also outlined the continues success in expanding the mPCT program which adds to the health care options for the Prince Rupert area
Ms. Pemberton also provided some details on the work ongoing to try to address the some 3,500 residents in the community who currently do not have a family physician.
"What we're doing to close that gap, is we have our next GP who is going to have a practice will join us in early 2023 ... our Primary Care Network which is a five year plan to expand primary care in our community.
Towards surgical services Ms. Pemberton noted that all three Prince Rupert Operating Rooms are in constant operation, observing that even with the much discussed Mills Memorial Build, that the capacity for Operating Room services at the Prince Rupert Regional Hospital will still be close to par with the larger Terrace hospital.
Fears of the Expanded Mills facility did dominate much of the night's conversation, both in the presentation period and in the follow up Question and Answer segment.
The Northern Health officials acknowledging that while it is a concern for local residents, the creation of a trauma centre in Terrace should be considered a positive thing for the entire region, reducing the need for travel farther away should the situation arise.
The main focus for Northern health on the Mills Build is that the Region is gaining and Prince Rupert is not losing as a result of the introduction of a trauma centre as part of the new hospital build.
Some of the other key elements discussed on the evening included frustrations when it comes to some of the services provided for the community, particularly with the lab work which as Ms. Pemberton noted came as a result of a significant fire at the hospital.
For those frustrations the Health Administrator offered up an apology to the community, noting that the staff continue to work towards a more streamline process that will reduce some of the often heard concerns over those elements of the hospital experience.
The lab improvements come following a 7 million dollar renovation required as a result of the fire which should make the Prince Rupert lab one of the more modern facilities in the Northern health region.
Some of the other areas addressed in the near forty five minute presentation included a review of some of the successful themes for Seniors Care at Acropolis Manor, Hone Care supports in the community and areas of improvement ahead for Maternity care.
The North Coast MLA added her perspective to the overview on the night by recounting the success of the community efforts during COVID and the roll out of the mass vaccination clinic and how it showcased the spirit of a community of caring,
Ms. Rice also paid tribute to the health care workers in the community, noting that they are tired and have continued to serve the community during a very challenging period.
The MLA also declared that the Hospital is not going to be turned into a clinic, hinting of some additional investment for local facilities to come in the near future.
The second presentation on the evening provided a welcome tutorial on the current situation for the BC Ambulance Service in the community, with the Terrace based regional head of the service Tom Soames (who it was noted wanted to live in Prince Rupert but couldn't access housing) outlined the current status of the Prince Rupert Station.
He also outlined a training program set to get underway in Prince Rupert through Hecate Strait Business Development Society that will provide for additional EHS resources upon completion of their studies.