Thursday, January 14, 2021

North Coast politicians and local Chamber officials mobilize to address Air Canada Service cut

As the Wednesay announcement of Air Canada's plans to once again suspend its serviceto Prince Rupert as of January 18th began to circulate around the community, local politicians and community organizations began to work in concert, with a goal to deliver a strong message on status of flight operations from the North Coast.

The parade of local statements began with one from Airport Manager Rick Leach which we made note of on Wednesday afternoon.

In the statement, Mr. Leach outlined the dismay that the local airport and local officials have from Air Canada decision, as well as some hopeful notes towards when a potential return of service could be seen.

That was followed one hour later by a social media post from Prince Rupert Mayor Lee Brain who in addition to adding the Airport Manager's correspondence to his information flow, also provided a few of his own comments towards the Air Canada move.

Next up was the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce which also issued a statement, one which followed a few of the themes of both the Airport statement and that from Mr. Brain. 

Among the area reinforced by as part of the Wednesday statement were:

The Chamber immediately initiated conversations with representatives of YPR, regional economic development partners, and local, provincial and federal government representatives in order to weigh the effects of Air Canada’s decision. 

An extended closure of the airport will not only affect those whose livelihood depends on airport-related jobs, but on a wide array of organizations in the community—which has rapidly become a hub for international trade.

“We are a major port city, and with the pending investments here and in our neighbouring communities, including proposed improvements to airport-to-downtown transportation, we seek a commitment from Air Canada as to their intentions regarding a resumption of service as soon as circumstances allow” -- Prince Rupert and District Chamber of Commerce President Michelle-Boomers MacNeill 

Skeena-Bulkley Valley  MP Taylor Bachrach also spoke to the topic with a short Social Media message, which called for Federal support for airlines, something he believes will help to reverse decision like those made this week by Air Canada and ensure a commitment to  regional routes.

That would seem to leave North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice as the only local elected official yet to offer a public comment towards the Air Canada service suspension.

Rick Leach, the Prince Rupert Airport Manager has also provided some further insight into how some of the local response has been put together. 

Observing in an email correspondence that upon hearing word of Air Canada's decision, local officials quickly put together a conference call which included local, provincial and federal representatives in the region. who along with Chamber of Commerce officials all expressed their concern at the situation.

Further notes related to Air Travel In the Northwest can be found through our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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