Monday, January 11, 2021

MP Taylor Bachrach continues his petition push to stymie House of Commons Bill to overturn Oil Tanker Moratorium

Skeena Bulkley Valley MP Taylor Bachrach is continuing his work towards keeping a crude oil tanker moratorium in place in the waters of the North Coast, taking to his social media streams today to remind constituents of his petition project to reinforce his call to Stop Bill C-229

The Bill to lift the moratorium was introduced in the House by Edmonton-Centre Conservative MP James Cumming in September

We first made note of the NDP MP's concerns over the potential over-turning of the oil tanker moratorium back in November,  in response to the Conservative bill Mr. Bachrach introduced his citizen's petition a few weeks later.

At that time we observed that the prospect of the Bill finding success was rather unlikely, considering how it is a private members Bill from the Edmonton-Centre MP. 

Traditionally when it comes to Private Members bills, they usually fall to defeat on the floor of the House.

Add into that discussion the current make up of the House of Commons with the Conservatives in a minority position and it would seem that none of the remaining parties in the House,  which for the most part endorsed the original moratorium, are likely to endorse the call to lift the it.

According to the Skeena-Bulkley ValleyMP, the House will vote on the issue in just a few weeks.

You can review Mr. Bachrach's petition here.

For more notes related to the House of Commons see our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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