Monday, January 11, 2021

City Council Preview: Monday, January 11, 2021

City Council members return to their public duties this evening, with the first Regular City Council session for 2021 set for a 7PM start.

If the Agenda posted to the City's website is once again an indication, this first  session for 2021, much like many of the last few years, should be a relatively brief affair. 

As of this morning, there are only four items of business noted for public discussion for this evening.

Among the notes for  the attention of the Council members are a Report from the Corporate Administrator on variance permit for a property on Parker Drive, Two resolutions from closed meetings appointing residents to the Airport Authority Board and the Library Board. 

Council will also provide third reading towards the Downtown Core Revitalization Tax Exemption program bylaw.

With Public Orders in place towards Social Gathering, a note posted to the Agenda Page for tonight's session indicates the this evening's meeting once again will be a remote participation affair, with no members of the public allowed into the Chamber.

"In accordance with current Provincial Orders, scheduled Regular Council Meetings have moved to a remote format for public access. In the interests of public health and safety, at this time no one will be permitted into City Hall to view in the gallery, in order to ensure we can maintain physical distancing requirements. Staff and Council attendance is also limited, with most calling in via conference. Thank you for your understanding." -- An update on the process ahead for Council sessions from the Agenda Page for Prince Rupert City Council

Those with an interest in tonight's council session can view the Live Feed from the City website, or on Cable Television from CityWest Cable Channel 10/310.

Council members will also start 2021 much as they conducted business in 2020, as they continue to make use of the Closed Council process this evening, with a Special Closed Session set for 5 PM citing two items from the Community Charter as the reason to exclude the public.

90.1  (c) labour relations or other employee relations

(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that such disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality

Tonight's Closed session will mark the first session of the year that Council members will exclude public view of their work in 2021.

You can review the Regular Council Agenda here.



Adoption of Agenda and Past minutes -- Mayor Brain will review the agenda for the evening and Council will adopt the minutes of past meetings.


Report from the Corporate Administrator related to a Development Variance permit request  -- Council will review the report from Ms. Rosa Miller related to a property located on Parker Drive.  (See page 8  of the Agenda)

Report from Rosa Miller, Corporate Administrator -- Re: Resolutions from Closed Meeting --Appointments to the Prince Rupert  Airport Authority. Council will announce the appointment of Gloria Rendell, Knut Bjonrdal and Kelly Sawchuck as representatives to the  Prince Rupert Airport Authority Board. 

Report from Rosa Miller, Corporate Administrator -- Re: Resolutions from Closed Meeting --Appointments to the Prince Rupert  Library Board . Council will announce the appointment of Andrea Wilmot, Dale White and Brendan  Turner as representatives to the  Prince Rupert Library Board.  


Report from the Corporate Administrator -- Re: Downtown Core Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw -- Council will review and give First, Second and Third Reading towards the implementation of the Tax Exemption Bylaw.  (See page  17 of the Agenda)

The evening will come to an end with any Additional Items as well as Reports, Questions and Inquiries from Members of Council.

Council members can  take advantage of the period to offer up any items or concerns that they have for consideration on the night. 

The Live broadcast of the City Council session can be found here, a video archive of past sessions is available here.

Our items of note related to the January 11, 2021 session can be reviewed here.

While our archive of all sessions for 2021 for Council is available here.   

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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