Thursday, January 14, 2021

December review of 2020 case reports shows growth of COVID across the Northwest, with Prince Rupert ending 2020 with 16 reported cases

The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control has released their most recent data on cumulative cases of COVID across the province as of the end of 2020, 

And in this most recent monthly update, the final numbers for 2020 show the growth of COVID cases in the Northwest, with Prince Rupert putting the wrap on the last year with 16 confirmed cases reported.

The Cumulative Cases Data sheet released on January 6th provides the final snapshot of spread of COVID through the last year.

For the Highway 16 corridor area the data is as follows:

Prince George -- 773 cases 
Nechako Region --  185 cases 
Terrace -- 167 cases 
Smithers -- 122 cases 
Burns Lake -- 84 cases 
Nisga'a - Nass -- 47 cases 
Kitimat -- 34 cases 
Haida Gwaii -- 30 cases 
Upper Skeena -- 26 cases 
Prince Rupert -- 16 cases 
Bella Coola Valley -- 8 cases 
Central Coast -- 5 cases 
Stikine, Telegraph Creek and Snow Country -- 2 cases

The latest review of information shows the impact of  COVID reports for the Terrace area which was at the top of the Northwest listing,  the largest surge of case reports through 2020 in Northern BC was from the larger metropolitan Prince George area.

In a notice on the Centre's website Data page, its noted that the weekly update which provides for the week-to-week overview of the status of COVID reports across the region has been delayed this week. That owing to what officials say is incomplete data.

The BC CDC data page provides for a range of material on COVID and the provincial response to the virus. The data that is provided related to Health Service Delivery areas is updated weekly, while the data that lists the community levels is released monthly.

You can access the most recent BC CDC data here.

The latest update from Doctor Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix can be found from our archive page here.   

Cross posted from the North Coast Review

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