Thursday, January 7, 2021

As property owners review their 2021 Assessments, Province outlines Home Owner Grant financials

With British Columbians now informed on their 2021 Property Assessment the Province of British Columbian has announced that the the Home Owner Grant Threshold has been set at $1.625 million. 

A financial level that will allow for the same percentage of residents to continue to be eligible for the Grant program.

As part of their announcement this week, the Province informed British Columbians that it has taken over the full administration of the program, that way to ease the burden on municipal governments.

This year, homeowners will submit their applications directly to the Province instead of through their local municipal office, the application period will open in May when the majority of property tax notices are delivered to residents.

The allocation of grant monies is divided into two categories, those for the Lower Mainland and Capital region and the remainder of the province outside of those areas.

The provincial announcement can be examined in full here.

For additional details on the move to centralize the Home Owner Grant program see this update here.

Further notes on Housing themes for the Northwest can be reviewed here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review

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