Monday, January 23, 2023

City of Prince Rupert Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 identifies seven key elements for attention

Prince Rupert City Council members will receive a report tonight from City Manager Robert Buchan that outlines the community's Strategic Plan for the next three years, the program a blue print of sorts of where the City will focus some of its attention towards key areas identified for priority.

The introduction to the Strategic Plan from Doctor Buchan outlines some background to the project and how the City staff would implement it.

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Among the opening notes to the Report, is a review of the City's Vision Statement to carry it through the three period of the Strategic Plan.

As for what residents may see over the course of the next three years, the Strategic Plan includes the following seven key Goals of note for future initiatives for the community.

Of the seven goals,  the topic that has made for much conversation for City Council members and residents over the last few months is that of Goal C, Replacement and Renewal of Infrastructure. 

And towards that goal the main takeaways include:

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Towards funding for many of the Seven Goals the Resources required often features a note that Loans may be required or that projects may be Funded by the City's Legacy financial instrument. 

Some are also noted as eligible for grants as well.

If you're a consultant, some rewarding times would seem to be on the horizon, among the entries of the seven goals for the next three years, the use of consultants towards delivering on the Goals is mentioned eight times in the Report.

The report highlights the estimated cost towards those consultants and the review they will provide in areas of Community Renewal, Renewed Housing and Economic, social, cultural and environmental well being.

Council if they wish, will have opportunity to comment or ask questions of the report following the presentation from the City Manager.

More notes on this evening's Council Session can be explored through our Preview item.

Past items of interest for Discussion from City Council members can be reviewed here.

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