Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Three holiday period flights between Terrace and Vancouver flagged for COVID Alert

Three flights from December 28 to 30th between the Northwest and Vancouver have been listed in this weeks overview from the BC CDC on COVID related flights in the province.

The three flights are from the Air Canada Jazz Vancouver-Terrace route, with flights on  December 28th, 29th  and December 30th all on the list.

The latest entries brings to twelve the number of arriving or departing flights through Terrace to have been flagged for a COVID alert by the BC CDC. 

To date, there has been only one Prince Rupert/Vancouver flight listed that dates back to November 16th.

The provincial agency advises that Passengers on a domestic flight with a COVID-19 case should self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days.  

For the full listing of Flights in and out of British Columbia of note for the BC CDC see their notification list here.

Further notes on aviation themes from the Northwest can be explored here.   

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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