Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Cow Bay Retail Cannabis application passes first test at City Council

City Council has moved forward with an application for another Retail Cannabis location in the city, setting in motion the first stage of the process for an application by Five Corner Cannabis for a proposed retail Cannabis operation on Cow Bay Road.

As we noted back in October, the application was submitted to the City in the fall, with notice of the proposed commercial operation posted to the City of Prince Rupert website and as part of the Rupert Talks Retail Cannabis page.

In her Report to Council on Monday night Corporate Administrator Rosa Miller observed that the initial October engagement period with the public had resulted in ten correspondences, two of them against the proposed retail operation, eight of them in favour of the application.

Councillor Nick Adey had the only question of the night on the topic, asking the Corporate Administrator if the proposed Cow Bay location met the spirit of previous policy guidelines that had been put in place by Council, Ms. Miller advised that it had been reviewed by staff and did meet the guidelines.

"When we first began considering these kinds of applications there was some effort put into developing policy around proximity of one retail outlet to another, location within the town's existing zoning. Is it fair to say that this particular application fits within the spirit of these guidelines that we had set up at that time"

The application will now be forwarded to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch which will review the application; once it is returned to the City the next stage of the process will move forward, including the opportunity for more comment from the public on the theme.

Following the vote of approval to submit the application to the LCRB, Mayor Brain noted that the public will most likely hear more about the application later this year.

You can review the explanation of the process ahead and the full discussion on the topic from the City's Video Archive starting at the four minute mark.

Some of the past notes on the City's Cannabis Application approval program can be found from our archive page here.

For more notes on Monday's City Council Session see our Council Timeline Feature here.

A wider overview of past Council Discussion topics is available from our Council Archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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