Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Council Timeline: Monday, October 24, 2022

Farewells and setting the stage for the next Council to come in November made for the focus for a relatively short final session of less than forty minutes for the Class of 2018.

When it came to the work of the night, there were a number of reports from staff to review, with the Planning and Finance Offices providing for the majority of the night's work for Council to consider.

Operations Director Richard Pucci also provided for a Major Projects Update, adding the completion of the Woodworth Dam to the list of those initiatives that have made it to the finish line.

One item, the latest work towards the issue of parking, was also reviewed, the council membership setting the stage for a Public Hearing to come once the incoming Council of November sets a date

Some background on the work of Council for the night can be review from the Regular Council Agenda

Council also hosted a Closed Meeting, making for the fourteenth of the in camera sessions for 2022.

The details related to the reasons for the behind closed door gathering can be reviewed here

Monday also brought a Committee of the Whole session, though it only lasted thirty seconds, the Agenda for that element of the night is available here

Further information from our overview and placement in the video archives can be found below, with the permanent record of the council minutes added as they are posted to the city website.

In attendance Monday, October 24, 2022

Mayor Lee Brain -- Present 
Councillor Nick Adey -- Absent
Councillor Barry Cunningham -- Absent
Councillor Blair Mirau -- Present 
Councillor Reid Skelton-Morven -- Present
Councillor Wade Niesh -- Present 
Councillor Gurvinder Randhawa -- Present

Video Archive for Monday, October 24, 2022 



(0:00 - 1:00) Committee of the Whole Session for Monday, October 24, 2022

Adoption of Agenda and Past minutes -- The Mayor reviewed the agenda for the evening and Council will adopt the minutes of past meetings.

Petitions and Delegations --  There were no Petitions or Delegations

Questions from the Public -- No Members of the Public came forward

Reports, Questions and Inquiries from members of Council -- The Council members had no questions, concerns or comments to make.

Adjournment to reconvene regular Council Meeting



1:00 - 2:00 )  Adoption of Agenda and Past minutes -- The Mayor will review the agenda for the evening and Council will adopt the minutes of past meetings.

Reports and Resolutions

2:00 - 4:00 )  Report from Director of Government Relations & Intergovernmental Relations  -- Major Projects Update   -- Council received an update from Richard Pucci on the range of major projects underway. Of the completed projects he observed on the completion of Eat Street, Landfill site and Recycling program, as well as the Woodworth Dam project. Mr. Pucci also observed of the recent tour of the site and that what remains is the filling of the reservoir and the bleeding of the lines. Other projects were listed at varying degrees of completion or in some cases on pause.   (see page 8  of the Agenda package for the full list)

4:00 - 4:00:30 )  Report from Corporate Administrator - Council Resolutions Update   -- Council received a report from Rosa Miller related to the status of their past Council resolutions, Ms. Miller observed that one item, the Health Care petition which was listed as pending was now completed and has been sent off. (see page  11 of the Agenda package)

4:00:30 - 5:00 )  Report from Chief Financial Officer -- Financial Variance Report for August 2022 -- Council received a report from Corinne Bomben outlining the August Financial Variances. She observed of no significant variances to report at this time. (see page  14 of the Agenda package)

5:00 - 6:00 Report from Planning --DVP 22-20Council received a report from the planning department outlining the scope of the permit for a property on Ambrose Avenue, with no further comments received related to the permit. Councillor Niesh had one question to ask related to making sure that permit specified that the property could not become an unauthorized dwelling. Council approved the permit.  (see page  20 of the Agenda package)

6:00 - 6:30 )   Report from Planning -- Development Activity Report for September Council received a report from the planning department related to planning themes from September. The report was received for informational purposes.  (see page  23 of the Agenda package)

6:30 - 8:30  )  Report from Planning --Development Variance Permit #22-21 Council received a report from the planning department outlining the scope of a variance request for a property on 6th Avenue West.  Council members had no questions to ask and moved forward with the required notification process. (see page  31 of the Agenda package)

8:30 -  10:00 )  Report from Planning --Development Variance Permit #22-22 Council received  a report from the planning department outlining the scope of a variance request for a property on India Avenue. Council members had no questions to as and moved forward with the required notification process.  (see page  38 of the Agenda package)

10:00 - 11:00 ) Report from Planning -- Support from the 2022/23 Active Transportation Network Planning Grant  Council received a report from the planning department with a recommendation for funding from the 2022/23 Active Transportation Network Planning Grant for the active component of the City's transportation plan, that towards a detail design for a reconfigured 2nd Avenue incorporation active transportation elements.  

Council members had no questions towards the Grant proposal.

Mayor Brain noted of how the initative would be a huge project for the community, then asking the City Manager if the Ministry of Highways had any position on the reconfiguration plans. 

Mr. Rob Buchan noted that the City is still working with the province, observing that  to this point it is all positive and the city is moving forward with the expectation that the concept that the city has worked out with them thus far will be approved conceptually in the near future.  Council then provided their support for the Grant application  (see page  47 of the Agenda package)

11:00 - 15:30Report from Planning -- Extension of Housing Incentives Council received  a report from the planning department with a recommendation to waive all fees for residential Rezoning, Development Permit and Building permit applications outside of the City core Area that result in new residential units for one year. The effective date of the measure would be from November 1, 2022 to November 1, 2023. 

Councillor Niesh had the only question to the topic, seeking clarification on how the permit process would impact when it comes to the renovation of an existing premises that would add a unit. He also observed of his support for the incentive program, though suggesting that reducing the waiving of permits to just new builds would be the preferred path. 

Council then amended the program as discussed.  (see page  57 of the Agenda package)


15:30  - 16:00) Report from the Chief Financial Officer / Deputy City Manager - Digby Island Ferry and Prince Rupert Ground Transportation,, Systems  Tariffs and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3503,2022   .  Council provided Fourth and final  readings to the proposed changes  (see page 63  of the Agenda package)

 16:00 - 21:00)   Report from Planning  -- Prince Rupert Zoning Amendment Bylaw 3504, 2022 for Parking in Specified Areas  --Council will  be asked to provide First and Second Readings to the bylaw amendment that would waive parking requirements for new buildings, with the exception of residential-only buildings, in the Parking Specified Areas.

The proposed policy change has four elements:

1. Establish an area where no minimum off-street parking requirements are in effect with the exception of exclusive residential uses (single, duplex, and multifamily buildings). 

2. Maintain any existing off-street parking in this area (no loss of off-street parking). 

3. Maintain existing parking regulations outside of the specified area. 

4. Ensure that all other sections in Section 9 of the Zoning Bylaw regarding standards and ratios for bicycle, disabled parking, loading, and electrified parking requirements are applicable in and outside of the PSA.

Councillor Mirau was the first to speak to the topic, offering his support to the motion and observing of the long standing concerns over parking that have been Brough to council since 2018, noting of the opportunity for the Public Hearing to offer for a full discussion to the topic.

Mayor Brain also spoke in favour of the motion, noting how it has been a big barrier to development in the past and how the recommendations are exactly what needs to happen.

Council then approved the motion to send the proposals to Public Hearing. (see page 59 of the Agenda package for a full overview of the report)

(  21:00 - 38:00 )  Reports, Questions, Comments, Reports and Inquiries from Members of Council.

With Councillors Adey and Cunningham away on the night, the farewells to the departing Mayor and Councillor Mirau were left to Councillors Niesh, Randhawa and Skelton-Morven, who all observed on how they had enjoyed working with Mr. Brain and Mr. Mirau.

For their farewells, Mr. Mirau spoke first making note of some words from former Mayor Jack Mussallem had sketched out related to the hell hole of Watson Island and how it never ends as to what they were in for over their time in Council.

Recounting the theme from Councillor Skelton-Morven in his tributes to the departing members, Mr Mirau reflected on how it's easy to forget some of the wins from the past he reviewed some of the Council challenges and achievements over eight years in office.

Mr. Mirau focused on Watson Island for much of his farewell, noting some of the history of the industrial site, wrapping his review at his pride in the transformation of the island as a liability and now as an asset,  from the arrival of Pembina on the Island to the potential for an award for its brownfield achievement status.

He also put forward three different infrastructure projects as Council achievements, noting of the Water Dam, Landfill Expansion and final decision on an RCMP station site.

For a final thought, he observed as to how the City Council has fixed some of the most urgent financial and infrastructure issues and the foundation is now much firmer than when they took office in 2014, adding that the stage is now set for some very transformative projects and initiatives, with the potential for expanding housing and commercial opportunities, along with the wastewater pilot project and the waterfront projects that has the potential to create waterfront amenities.

Mr. Mirau observed how CityWest and its role in Connected Coast is poised to be a major player in the province, as well to make note of a string of housing proposals that are heading to the finish line.

Mr. Brain also spoke to a range of themes for his farewell, noting of the last eight years and what the community has gone through, recounting the days of LNG, Watson Island and the prospect that the city may have gone bankrupt fast at that period of time, had council not dug the community out of the hole.

Noting that if he stayed for another 10 to 20 years, he an Council may have accomplished all of what they had in mind

He too used the example of a foundation, digging the town out of a hole, with and to his redesign process and Rupert 2030 the community was on a new trajectory and had clearly wanted change. 

Mr. Brain observed how the returning councillors had helped build the plan and that they know what needs to be done and how  had confidence that they would continue with the vision, also paying tribute to the entire City staff in every department for their work.

He noted how and Council stood by the staff and their work on behalf of the community, noting how they are short staffed and continue to do the work that is required.

The mayor spoke to the water infrastructure projects from the Dam, to the water treatment and the water lines under streets, noting of the need for Federal and Provincial help to achieve their infrastructure goals.

He observed of the massive support of the community and how everyone has been following along with the program, He also highlighted the three presentations that he has provided the Hays 2.0, Rupert 2030 and State of the City, observing that he knows of no other city that provides that much engagement with the public.

As to the future he noted of the Gateway Project as Key, incubating development as well as redevelopment for the Mid Town region, Waterfront area and CowBay as well as some of the other elements such as Trail development underway.

Mr. Brain also noted of the need for housing and how there is a need for a mass mobilized effort, calling on the Port Authority, Port industries, Federal and Provincial governments,  First Nations and City to come together with a laser focus to get it done.

He again pointed to the Rupert 2030 vision plan as the process to getting there and noted that as long as the spirit of the 20230 Vision plan is adhered to then the community will get the results it needs.

He spoke of the support of Council and how they had been 100 percent behind, recounting his travels and those he met along the way, observing now this council has been united in their focus and direction.

To wrap up his farewell, he again turned to the work of staff, noting how he would defend them to the ends of the earth, recounting the work that they have achieved and how they could be off doing other things, and how they had remained champions of Prince Rupert.

You can access our Council Archive for October 24th here,  where a number of items regarding the Council Session, including links to any local media coverage can be found.

As always, our Council Timeline is only a reflection of our observations from the Council Session of the night.  Be sure to consult with the official minutes from the City, when posted to their website for further review.

Official minutes of the Regular Council Session from October 24, 2022 (not available yet)

The Next Session for Prince Rupert City Council is set for Monday, November 7th, 2022.

It will be the first session for the newly elected Council which will include newcomers Mayor Herb Pond and Councillor elect Teri Forster, five of the six incumbents were returned to office in the October 15th election.

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