Monday, February 28, 2022

Comments for City of Prince Rupert on Garbage themes made cause for reduced Social media engagement over the weekend

Some civic message making from Friday seemingly was
not received well by some residents 

A  City of Prince Rupert advisory from Friday on the proper use of garbage cans seems to have struck a nerve with some residents.

And such was the unpleasant nature of some of the commentary, that the topic required the closure of discussion by Veronika Stewart, the City's Communication Manager.

The information flow started out with a reminder from the city that residents should now only be using the city provided Garbage bins, as well as a reminder of the option to exchange for a larger bin at an additional cost.

As things evolved, the social commentary wasn't particularly social, with Ms. Stewart returning to the discussion at some point over the course of the discourse to bring some order to the commentary and in the end, bringing the engagement to an end.

You can review those comments that made it to the social media page prior to the closure of debate from this link.

While it's never acceptable to be uncivil and to swear,  one thing that is probably not helping the cause of civil debate and civic messaging was that the advisory on the garbage rules was provided just as the City's utility bills had made their way to residents mail boxes.

The city's message of amounts due included a significant jump in the garbage element of the utility bills for this year, that owing to the city's introduction of the new recycling program. 

All of which may have left some of the residents in town just a little bit on the snarky side.

You can review some of the past themes on the new program from our archive notes here.

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