Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Hazelton Secondary School, first to shift to Functional School Closure program. SD52 Superintendent outlines plans in Prince Rupert if need arises

The first week back to school has been a rough one for staff, students and parents of one school in the Northwest, with Hazelton Secondary School announcing today that the school will shift to its Functional School Closure program. 

The measure required owing to a shortage of staff and an inability to cover staff shortages.

Janet Myer, the Superintendent of Schools for the District forwarded the correspondence below to inform the community of the decision.

The closure of the school is in effect for today and tomorrow, with a reassessment to be made on Wednesday as to the rest of the week

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So far, School District 52 has not reported any issues related to its relaunch of the school year, that following the one week extension to the Holiday break.

As we noted yesterday, Superintendent Andrew Samoil had provided some background on the return to school program for the Prince Rupert School District.

He has also followed up on those notes with a correspondence for students, staff and parents on Friday.

That letter, providing for how the School District will approach the type of situation requiring a Functional School closure as that being found in the Hazeltons today. 

For Prince Rupert, School principals will notify parents, guardians and caregivers if a functional closure is required, with the potential closure dates ranging anywhere from 1 to 7 days depending on the situation.

The use of Functional Closure is not likely to be District wide, but rather, specific to individual schools as the situation arises.

click to enlarge

You can find the school website for your local school from this list from the SD52 website.

For more notes on Education across the Northwest see our archive pages here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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