Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Northern Sea Wolf officially introduced into service with BC Ferries

With the ribbon cutting ceremony of Sunday, the Northern Sea Wolf
is now officially in service with BC Ferries

(Photo from MLA Rice's Facebook page)

BC Ferries has officially welcomed its newest vessel into the fleet with Open Houses on the Central Coast and Port Hardy over the weekend as the Northern Sea Wolf, prepares to take to coastal waters with a long awaited service.

The ship, once known in Greek waters as the Aqua Spirit, took a little longer to prepare for Canadians service than originally planned, with an additional year required for refurbishment to meet Canadian and BC Ferry standards and with a cost that ballooned significantly from original estimates.

A little later than originally planned, the Northern Sea Wolf is now
transiting the waters of the Central Coast between Bella Bella and Port Hardy

On Sunday, BC Ferries hosted the Open House at Bella Coola, the event serving to officially introduce the vessel to residents on the Central Coast, showcasing some of the features that the vessel brings to residents and visitors to the area alike.

In a statement from BC Ferries that celebrated the start of the Northern Sea Wolf's travels, the Ferry Corporation outlined some of the features to be found aboard following the extensive refit.

The vessel features a new galley, bridge, electrical generators, HVAC system, washrooms, elevator, chair lifts, new cafeteria and passenger accommodation area.

It also includes an outdoor passenger area on the top deck that provides customers with breathtaking views of the scenery that they will be passing by.

The naming of the vessel came about in the follow up to consultations between BC Ferries and those living on the Central Coast.

BC Ferries and community stakeholders named the Northern Sea Wolf in honour of a First Nations’ legend in which the Sea Wolf is a manifestation of the Orca. The designs depict the beauty of the majestic animal, with the Sea Wolf the symbol of family, loyalty and the protector of those travelling their waters.

North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice was among those making for the official party on Sunday, with many speeches on the day to celebrate the debut for the vessel.

The MLA's office has posted the video of the official launch to her Facebook page.

The Northern Sea Wolf takes over the run, once hosted by the much smaller vessel the Nimpkish, the new ferry went into its regular schedule on Monday making the first of the 10 hour journey's through the waters adjacent to the Great Bear Rainforest.

The route for Northern Sea Wolf 
which commence service to the Central Coast on Sunday
BC Ferries also hosted an Open House in Port Hardy on Monday to mark the start of the Northern Sea Wolf's service.

Some of the history of the Northern Sea Wolf from purchase to Open House can be found below:

December 2018 -- BC Ferries to spend 57  million dollars on fleet support work during refit cycle for 2018-19
November 2018 -- Northern Sea Wolf to feature Indigenous artwork when introduced into service
October  2018 -- Northern Sea Wolf sits out the fall, as BC Ferries outlines Central Coast Plans
July 2018 -- Summer travel season all but lost for the Northern Sea Wolf
May 2018 -- Northern Sea Wolf nears readiness for Central Coast Ferry service

November 2017 -- Now departing for British Columbia Waters ... the Northern Sea Wolf
September 2017 -- Mid-Coast Ferry to be named Northern Sea Wolf
April 2017 -- BC Ferries to expand Central Coast service in 2018

For more items of interest related to BC Ferries, see our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review

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