Monday, February 11, 2019

Ottawa Observations: Monday, February 11, 2019

Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Federal scene for    Monday, February  11, 2019

Canadians held in China 

Ottawa expects trade interest in China to slow amid tensions with Beijing

Globe and Mail 

Trudeau says he discussed SNC case with Wilson-Raybould
If Trudeau doesn't address the SNC-Lavalin affair soon, the fallout could cost him an election
SNC-Lavalin affair shows some companies are more equal than others
Vice-Admiral Mark Norman's pretrial judge quesitons independence of public prosecution service
Trudeau's Quebec advantage? Having so many opponents in the province
How Quebeckers, polarized on Trudeau, are poised to decide the Liberals' fare in 2019's federal election
Liberals will win Burnaby by-election where Singh is seeking seat, Trudeau says


Trudeau says he has 'confidence' in Wilson-Raybould as ethics commissioner probes PMO over SNC-Lavalin
Conservative Party reverses course on Trost, now says MP didn't leak list to firearms group
Norman's defence accuses Trudeau PMO of attempting to direct prosecution
Scheer tells N.B. town hall 'job #1' as PM would be to repeal carbon pricing

Toronto Star

Trudeau tries to distance himself from allegations of interference in SNC-Lavalin case
SNC-Lavalin signed at least $68M in federal contracts last year
Trudeau faces ethics investigation over SNC-Lavalin case
Trudeau's national youth policy a matter of 'managing expectations'
Trost, Tories, settle leadership dispute over leak of membership
François Legault has yet to start building bridges
Canadian politicians are allowed to influence judicial proceedings
Social media sites like Facebook take in lion's share of federal ad dollars

Toronto Sun

Trudeau government's history of ethics problems
Liberal MP joins calls for PMO-SNC Lavalin controversy
Trudeau boots it out of Ottawa as SNC-Lavalin woes grow
Trudeau conveniently gets out of Dodge
Trudeau says he's transparent, prove it

National Post

Alleged political interference in Mark Norman case 'more concerning' than SNC-Lavalin accusations: defence
We are still waiting for a clear denial over SNC-Lavalin allegations
Venezuelan CUPE members demand changes to union statement backing Maduro
Burnaby byelection race is a crazy one - with or without drama of Singh running
Andrew Coyne on which issues will play a role in 2019 federal election


The NDP's response to the Venezuela crisis has become an unfunny farce
Federal ethics czar launching inquiry into PMO after SNC-Lavalin allegations


Mark Norman's lawyer accuses Trudeau government of interfering in case
Feds dedicate most of their advertising dollars to social media
Ethics commissioner launches investigation into allegations of PMO interference in SNC-Lavalin case
Russia Rising, part 3: Hackers targeting Canadian elections, banks and institutions
Liberal MP Wayne Long calls for investigation into alleged PMO interference in SNC-Lavalin case
Iranian-Canadians mark 'tragic' 40th anniversary of Iran's Islamic Revolution


Ethics inquiry opened over Justin Trudeau's Actions in Bribery case
Site that lied about NDP leader During election lives in Web's shadows
Jagmeet Singh only party candidate eligible to vote in Burnaby South byelection

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