Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Provincial scene for Thursday-Friday, July 20-21, 2023
Week-long fireworks celebration over English Bay begins this weekend
We will be taking a break from the blog for a few weeks (more on that to come) but before we hit the highway, a Preview of Monday's City Council Session. the only public meeting for Council for the month of July.
And while we're providing for the heads up on what they plan to work with on Monday, our review of the Council Session and any decisions that will come out of it, will have to wait until we return in August.
But for those who like to know what their elected city officials are up to these days down on the 400 Block of Third West, here's their plans for Monday.
The night offers much of interest, with a pari of presentations set for the Committee of the Whole; the first a look at plans for municipal website renewal followed by notes related to the City's Transportation plan
In the regular session there is much ahead as well.
Included are a number of Reports for Council, from a look at Civic Recognition planning to Variance reports from the CFO and a Fire/Rescue update from the Fire Chief. Council will also receive a report related to infrastructure replacement planning.
A number of correspondences make for the Consent Agenda part of the evening, included are letters from the Mayor of Surrey and the Province related to the recent Policing decision for that community.
Council will also review a correspondence from Regional District seeking support towards seeking funding from the Port's Community Investment Fund for recycling bins for Port Edward.
Some welcome progress will also be noted towards nuisance properties in the city, with two Remedial Action Orders up for approval by Council.
Those for a property at 741 Third West and another at 1122 and 1133 Second Avenue West.
The Regular Session
Monday's Regular Council session starts at 7 PM and can be viewed by way of the Live Feed from the City Website.
The session is normally posted to the City's YouTube archive within 24 hours of the session concluding.
You can review the Agenda for the July 24th session here.
The COW Agenda can be reviewed here.
A copy of the Transportation Plan from Urban Systems is included in the COW Agenda link above.
The outline of Council's work ahead for the evening can be reviewed below
Call to Order
Adoption of the Agenda -- The Mayor will Review Committee of the Whole Agenda of the July 24th session and seek approval of Council towards it.
Petitions and Delegations --
Council will receive a Presentation from Veronika Stewart, Manager of Communications, Engagement and Social Development -- Ms. Stewart will speak towards plans for the Municipal website renewal
Council will also receive a report on the City of Prince Rupert Transportation Plan
Question and Inquiries from members of Council
Adjournment to Regular Council Session
Introduction of Late Items
Approval of Agenda -- The Mayor will review the Agenda of the July 24th session and seek approval of Council towards it.
Public Comments regarding Agenda items -- This period offers a chance for those in attendance to speak to any items to be addressed on the Agenda for the evening.
Consent Agenda
Report from Corporate Administrator: 2023 Civic Recognition awards (see page 10 of Agenda)
Council Resolution Status Update to June 2023 (see pages 11-12 of Agenda)
Report from the Manager of Communications, Engagement and Social Development: Municipal website renewal (see pages 13 - 15 of Agenda)
Monthly Fire/Rescue report (see pages 16 - 17 of Agenda)
Proclamation: National Drowning Prevention Week (see page 18 of Agenda)
Report from the Director of Operations and Intergovernmental Relations: Infrastructure Replacement Strategy/Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) (see pages 19 - 20 of Agenda)
Report from Chief Financial Office: May 2023 Financial Variance Report (see pages 21 - 25 of Agenda)
North Coast Regional District Board Highlights (see page 26 of Agenda)
Email from Northern Health : Re BC Speak Survey (see page 27 -29 of Agenda)
Letter from the Office of the Mayor from the City of Surrey: Re RCMP (see page 30 -32 of Agenda)
Letter from the Office of the Province of British Columbia: Re RCMP (see pages 32 - 34 of Agenda)
Thank you card from the Lester Centre (Chris Armstrong): Re Mamma Mia (see pages 35-36 of Agenda)
Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Community News (see pages of 37 - 44 Agenda)
Invitation to Review and Comment on the NCRD Draft 2 Solid Waste Management Plan and Attend a Council (see pages of 45 - 46 Agenda)
Resolution submitted to the 2023 UBCM Convention from the City of Prince George (see page 47 of Agenda)
Letter of Support from the North Coast Regional District : Re Prince Rupert Port Authority's Community Investment Fund for public recycling bins in Port Edward. (see page 48 of Agenda)
Council will be asked that all items of the Consent Agreementt be accepted and filed
Staff Reports
Report from the Director of Development Services: Prince Rupert Transportation Plan -- Council will receive a report recommending approval of the plan and to provide direction to Staff (see pages 49 - 235 of Agenda)
Report from the Corporate Administrator: Remedial Action Order for 741 - 3rd Avenue West -- Council will receive a report recommending that Council direct staff to proceed with a Remedial Action Order for the building at 741-3rd West, with the cost towards its removal be placed on the property taxes for the property. Council will be asked to also approve the removal of the bus and vehicle on that property, with the cost of removal added to the taxes on the property (see pages 236 - 237 - of Agenda)
Report from the Corporate Administrator: Remedial Action Order for 1112 & 1133 Second Avenue West -- Council will receive a report recommending that Council direct staff to proceed with a Remedial Action Order for building removal located at 1122 & 1133 2nd Avenue West. The costs of removal placed on the property taxes for the said property; As well it will be recommended that Council direct staff to provide notice to the property owner in accordance with Section 77 of the Community Charter. (see pages 238 - 239 of Agenda)
Business Arising
Council Round Table and Public Question Period -- Council members will have opportunity to raise items of interest or concern for consideration.
Adjournment -- The Mayor will bring the session to a close.
The live broadcast of the City Council Session can be found here, a video archive of the past sessions of Council is available from the City's YouTube archive.
Further notes related to the July 24th session can be reviewed from our Council Archive page.
Our archive of all of the City Council sessions for 2023 is available here.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review.
The city's marine transportation link between the Downtown core and the Digby Island Airport is up for a refit, with the City seeking out proposals for the work through the BC Bid program.
The call for proposals was posted to the provincial site on Wednesday, seeking submissions for Structural and Mechanical Repairs and Regular Maintenance for the Digby Island Ferry.
Towards that work the City has listed seven key elements for the upcoming refit, with the work to take place in May of 2024.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review.
Northern Health is looking to fill some of the staffing gaps across the northwest with a training program hosted by Coast Mountain College, with registration now underway for the fall session.
The Health Care Assistant Program is the initiative, and as Northern Health explains it. offers students the opportunity to receive paid education and on the job training towards becoming a registered Health Care assistant.
Some background on what the program is about and where it can take you in a health care career is outlined below:
The full overview of the initiative is available here.
Learn more about the program and how to register by contacting Northern Health at hcap@northernhealth.ca
Coast Mountain College has further information available towards the program, which you can review here.
The next intake for the program is now underway, the program set to start on September 18 2023 and runs until May 31, 2024 ,it is being offered at the Terrace, Smithers and Prince Rupert Campus locations.
More notes on Health Care across the Northwest can be reviewed here.
A look at Coast Mountain College themes is available from our archive here.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review.
The topic of Child Care and how to improve on the options for Prince Rupert and area residents is once again of some note, that with a new survey currently underway to learn more about the challenges and what parents and guardians are looking for when it comes to they child care needs.
The heads up for the current survey was offered up by the Prince Rupert and District Chamber of Commerce through a recent social media shout out.
The Chamber's message one that noted of the success of local programs at Conrad Elementary and Pineridge, as well as to how participation in the survey will help to provide guidance on how to address current child care shortages.
The short survey, which only features eighteen questions, seeks out the status of parents current day care plans and what they would like to see provided in the community in the future, as well as to make note of a potential community round table in the future to discuss those themes.
The City of Prince Rupert recently moved forward to relax zoning requirements when it comes to the development of Child Care facilities
A Child Care Review presentation from 2020 highlighted some of the challenges facing families in Prince Rupert if finding child care.
More notes related to education can be reviewed here, community themes can be explored from our archive page here.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review.
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DP World Container Terminal at Fairview (image from PRPA) |
The mercurial events of the BC Port Strike may soon finally find some closure,.
That coming out of the latest development that of review of a tentative deal, the second attempt for such, for the International Longhshore and Warehouse Umiom Caucus, which will do that today in what has been described as an emergency contact caucus.
Depending on that review, the contract proposal could be forwarded to the membership over the weekend.
The word of the plan of action came from a statement from a local in the Vancouver area on Thursday.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review.
The City of Prince Rupert, acting under the guidance of Northern Health has issued what they are describing as a Short Term BOIL WATER Notice, the city noting that it is related to the impact of construction on the city's water supply main entering the reservoir.
The statement from the city offers a timeline of 72 hours towards the length of the Boil Water Notice adding that the city will notify residents as soon as it is lifted.
Follow the City's Social Media Stream for further updates on the Boil Order Notice.
More notes related to the City's infrastructure can be explored here.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review.
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Prince Rupert EDO official Paul Venditelli (right) at a recent Convention towards Hydrogen energy development in Houston Texas (image from PREDC FB) |
The City's Economic Development Officer Paul Venditelli has updated Prince Rupert residents on his recent trip to Texas, the PREDC Official was in Houston in late June for The Hydrogen Technology Conference and Expo in the energy capital of America.
The City's economic development officer promoting the North Coast for future green energy development as part of Canadian Trade delegation.
Mr. Venditelli offered up a look at his focus for the trip as part of his social media post on the PREDC page, the accounts also include some photos of the Texas visit.
Our focus and the focus of the conference was around low carbon hydrogen production, as well as the transportation and infrastructure needed to service this sector - with the intent to commercialize hydrogen as a mainstream provider of clean, renewable energy. In Houston, we had a packed schedule raising awareness of the amazing work and potential on the North Coast and Northern BC in support of a low carbon fuels space.