Tuesday, July 21, 2020

MP looks for feedback on issues from constituents in Northwest

The most recent home mailer from Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Taylor Bachrach has started to arrive in mailboxes across the Northwest and in the summer edition, the Member of Parliament is looking for some guidance from residents on a number issues of concern.

The information pamphlet which puts some focus on COVID and the measures in place towards it also outlines some of the federal programs that have been launched in recent months.

The main focus though appears to be consultation, with the MP noting how the feedback he receives will help guide his efforts in the nations capital.

As your MP, it's my job to take your concerns to Ottawa. Hearing directly about the issues you and your family are facing helps me represent you better in Parliament.

Please take a moment to fill out and mail back this survey. No postage is required, and your time is very much appreciated. Your answers will allow me to better represent our communities' interests in Ottawa -- MP Taylor Bachrach in his July home mailer to constituents

As for the survey portion of the home delivery, 14 questions are up for ranking in order of importance, the subjects of note for Mr. Bachrach include:

Health Care, Climate Change, Jobs/Economy, Housing Affordability, Rural Internet and Cell service, Child Care, Fisheries, First Nations Reconciliation, Natural Resources,  Transportation and Infrastructure, Green Jobs, Dental Care, Pharmacare and COVID-19

Respondents are being asked to rate them with a range of responses from Critical,  Important, Somewhat Important and Not Important.

The MP also is looking know how closely residents follow federal politics, if he and the NDP are on the right track and whether you wish to be a volunteer with his office.

Once the survey is complete, participants can simply fold the page, tape the edges and drop it into a mailbox postage free, with mail that is directed to Members of Parliament delivered without need of postage stamps.

Mr. Bachrach has also outlined how constituents can contact him, with the MP host a virtual open office from Tuesdays to Thursdays you can contact his office at taylor.bachrach@parl.gc.ca for more information on that process.

Residents of the Northwest can also explore his Facebook Live Question and Answer sessions every Wednesday night at 6PM to ask questions or make comments on some of the issues of the day.

Learn more about that from his Facebook page here.

For more notes related to the House of Commons see our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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