Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Regional District seeks your opinion on COVID recovery; launches new Social Media presence through Facebook

North Coast Regional District has launched an online survey project to hear the experiences from residents and businesses of the region when it comes to an economic recovery from the COVID pandemic situation.

The initiative launched through the Regional District website consists of twenty eight questions.

The first six make for information gathering, the remainder providing for a multiple choice process related to our impressions of the approach being taken towards Economic recovery.

Among some of the questions that will be asked of residents:

How confident are you that you have the right resources and benefits from various levels of governments to help support you through this period?

What local initiatives could aid our communities in economic recovery from COVID-19?

What was the top three issues you have faced in the COVID-19 pandemic?

Some of the questions are also based on the BC Government's Restart and Recovery survey, those include:

What would you say will be the TWO most important issues facing British Columbians like you in the year ahead?

When thinking about your own future after COVID-19, are you optimistic or pessimistic? 

 When thinking about your own workplace and working through the next stages of COVID-19, how safe do you personally feel?

You can take the survey here.

In addition to the opportunity to comment on the economic recovery, Regional District has also expanded on its information options, introducing a Facebook page for residents of the North Coast and Haida Gwaii to keep up to date on Regional Government themes.

In their roll out of the new social media initiative, Regional District notes that they have not historically turned to that option for information sharing, however they have since decided it makes for the most effective method for information delivery.

The NCRD has not historically used any social media accounts. By utilizing various social media channels, this could provide the NCRD with a method of outreach that can reach many community members.

 It also allows for more informal information blasts to be broadcast to the public, with directions as to where to go to find more detailed information. 

This can ensure that everyone is able to see the basic message that is being broadcast so that the public is informed, as well as giving those who would like to learn more the opportunity to seek that information. 

Developing social media accounts allows for real-time information to be shared with the public and allows them to respond immediately. This will allow for faster communication of important information to be distributed throughout the community.

You can follow along from the New Facebook portal here.

Further details about the North Coast Regional District Economic Recovery Communication and Engagement Plan can be found here.

For more notes related to North Coast Regional District see our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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