Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Just 10 new cases for Tuesday's COVID report, along with guidance to stay the course on current measures and words for the Class of 2020

Tuesday's report on the status of COVID-19 in BC provided for much the same story as that of the last number of weeks, a relatively low count of new cases for the day, no new deaths to report on and improving levels when it comes to those remaining in hospital.

The daily review, once again provided by Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minster Adrian Dix.

“Today, we are announcing 10 new COVID-19 confirmed positive cases and one new epi-linked case, for a total of 2,756 cases in British Columbia.  There are 172 active cases of COVID-19 in the province and 2,416 people who tested positive have recovered." 

Of the total COVID-19 cases, 11 individuals are hospitalized, five of whom are in intensive care. The remaining people with COVID-19 are recovering at home in self-isolation.

940 of the cases of COVID-19 were listed in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, 1,425 in the Fraser Health region, 130 in the Island Health region, 196 in the Interior Health region and 65 in the Northern Health region, that number has remained constant for over a week now.

There have been no new COVID-19 related deaths, for a total of 168 deaths in British Columbia.

The Doctor and Minister also made note of the success so far of the restart BC program and what will come ahead, though reminding British Columbians that it is key towards keeping that momentum to observe on the measures still in place and to keep the proper amount of social distancing.

“Looking ahead, as we continue to slowly progress, other business sectors, like spas and resorts, as well as recreational sports, will also be able to safely restart. But the same precautions businesses have taken to protect employees, customers and themselves today will still apply. 

What also stays the same are the personal measures we are all following to keep ourselves safe and protect those we care for most. These are our foundations and our path forward. 

We know that a family gathering in someone’s home, a nightclub or even a choir practice puts people close together inside for an extended period of time, which significantly increases the risk of transmission. 

It is far easier to maintain a safe physical distance from four people than 40. It is also much faster for public health teams to complete contact tracing when there are only a few people to alert to potential exposure. 

Our most effective way to manage COVID-19 in our communities is to work together, to take care of each other and do our part. This is not forever, but it is certainly for now and until we have the means to fully stop COVID-19.”

Doctor Henry also had some words for the Graduating Class of 2020, who are closing one chapter of their lives in most unusual times.

The full COVID update for the day can be reviewed here

The BC Centre for Disease control has some valuable Coronavirus notes related to COVID-19 you can explore that information here.

You can learn more about the outbreak from both the Province and the Federal government from the links below:

Federal Government site

British Columbia Government site

The World Health Organization website also offers up the latest advisories on the global situation.

More from  Northern Health can be reviewed here 

You can review our archive of past statements and local information here.

Local governments and organizations have also provided for increased awareness of COVID-19 issues, the string of statements that came quickly at the end of the week can be reviewed here.

For notes from across Canada and British Columbia we have been archiving the latest items through our political portal Darcy McGee

Ottawa Observations

Victoria Viewpoints

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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