Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Paying cross border respects from Prince Rupert for former U. S. President George H. W. Bush

The flag at the Federal Building in downtown Prince Rupert is at
half staff today, part of a nationwide commemoration of the passing
of former American President George H. W. Bush

The flag at the Federal building in Prince Rupert, much like those of all federal buildings across Canada has been at half-staff all day, that as Canada pays its respects on the passing of the 41st President of the United States, George H. W. Bush, his life celebrated in Washington, D. C. today with a national memorial service.

The Canadian honours were put in motion by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who instructed Public Works Canada to ensure that the commemoration took place on this day of President Bush's national farewell.

Mr. Trudeau had issued Canada's official statement on the passing of Mr. Bush on December 1st.

At that Washington event this morning, former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney served as one of the eulogists for the ceremonial event, providing a very emotional and stately recap of the former President's time on the international stage, along with personal remembrances of shared adventures with the former President from the Prime Minister.

Global BC has a transcript of the Prime Ministers comments as well as the video of his eulogy delivered at Washington's National Cathedral which you can review here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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