Friday, May 29, 2020

North Pacific Cannery Historical Site begins process towards restoration and maintenance plans

Having announced in April that owing to the COVID pandemic the North Pacific Cannery Historical Site will not be open for visitors this year, the District of Port Edward is now moving forward with plans for continued site restoration and maintenance work.

This week the District posted a Request for Proposals to provide for estimates on work to be done towards their Master Conservation Plan of 2018.

Towards the work the District noted the following as part of its RFP:

Scope of estimates must take into account conservation of cultural landscapes, exterior assemblies and / or interior finishes, including restoration and use of stockpiled materials that are on site where possible. Each building is to be evaluated/ estimated separately and prioritized following the 2018 Maintenance Restoration Project Plan (MRPP) and following the Master Conservation Plan of 2015 (MCP).

For reference, the MRPP lists each building, the work detail required, skill requirement, priority, status, and difficulty level. The subsections of the MRPP categorize tasks into labour types including general labour, pilings, millwright, carpentry, paint and electrical. The MRPP outlines works already performed and prioritizes works to be completed.

The MRPP further outlines the intervals of time needed to upkeep all historical structures. Some of the works classified as complete or in progress may require revisiting and costing. Scope and framework of estimates are to include recommendations of all specialized sub-contractors/ and or costs along with a time frame for compilation as applicable.

The District has established a criteria for those considering a response to the RFP, among the areas of note that Port Edward is looking for include:

a) Have experience in providing high level estimates for heritage sites. 
b) Have a valid and current business license. 
c) Must demonstrate the ability to complete large scale costing/ estimates which are to include costing of sub consultants where necessary. 
d) Have the ability to provide examples of three similar or comparable project estimations with references.

The Closing Date for the Request for Bids is June 19th.

The Contract award for the estimates work will be delivered on July 3rd, with the deadline for the work to be done set for August 14th.

Those interested in submitting a bid and may wish for a tour of the Cannery Site can contact NPC General Manager Ann Leach at

The Bids are to be delivered to the District of Port Edward, identified as North Pacific Cannery Restoration and Maintenance Estimates.

To learn more about the request, as well as the way that they will evaluate the Proposals that are submitted see the District of Port Edward website.

For more on some of our past items related to North Pacific see our archive page here.

A wider overview of notes from Port Edward can be reviewed here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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