Monday, December 19, 2022

North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice outlines her steps to assist City in response to State of Local Emergency

With the City of Prince Rupert having gone into a State of Local Emergency on Saturday evening, the MLA for the North Coast, Jennifer Rice has issued her first statement on the situation facing her home community and her constituents.

In a Statement issued earlier this morning the MLA notes how calling the State of Local Emergency was the right thing to do, in light of the current situation and ongoing cold weather for the region.

Since Friday, I have been working with the city, provincial regional emergency management staff, the Deputy Minister, and the Minister responsible for Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR), Bowinn Ma. 

The Province and the City are working closely together. We are prepared to support the City of Prince Rupert during this challenging time and going forward as needed. I am frequently updating the Minister on our situation, and she has been reaching out to our Mayor, Herb Pond to keep apprised of our needs.

Ms Rice also observes of the need for all higher levels of government,  Federal and Provincial to step in and assist, as well as to point towards a role for industry in the region to assist with the basics of the community.

These recent events are significant, and they demonstrate the need for higher levels of government as well as major industry players to step in and assist with the basics if they wish Prince Rupert to survive let alone thrive. 

As your MLA, I have been advocating for Prince Rupert, seeking every possible opportunity for our community, sourcing funding streams and telling our unique story to decision makers. 

The BC NDP government has been supporting our community with significant infrastructure funding grants. Prince Rupert has received nearly every infrastructure grant they’ve applied for during my time in government.

Her statement also recounts some of the past funding provided by the province to the City for past water infrastructure needs, as well as their support for Watson Island. 

As well the MLA observes as to how she is working with the new Premier David Eby to resolve long stand-in infrastructure challenges in Prince Rupert and engage with the Federal government to partner in providing solutions.

Ms. Rice notes of the important of Prince Rupert when it comes to global trade for Canada.

As the fastest growing Port in North America, and as the third largest in Canada with many strategic advantages, the municipality can not go it alone in providing the necessary services to support this magnitude of economic activity. 

Surely, there is outside interest in seeing the community of Prince Rupert get its head above water - not only for our community’s sake but for the provincial, federal, and global significance this small but mighty town plays in supporting $60 billion dollars in annual trade.

Today marks day three of the State of Local Emergency, you can review some of the past notes related to it from our archive page here.

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