Sunday, April 5, 2020

Saturday COVID-19 Update, relays notes on 29 new cases, 3 deaths and 704 recoveries.

The Saturday data review on the COVID-19 response in British Columbia saw Dr. Bonnie Henry outline that there had been 29 new cases which  have tested positive in the province in the last 24 hours, which bring the British Columbia total number of cases to 1,203 people who have tested positive.

Of the latest accounts: 554 people are in Vancouver Coast Health, 424 in Fraser Health, 76 with Vancouver Island Health, 128 people reported in Interior health and there are 21 people listed in the Northern health region.

The provinces' Public Health Officer also noted that one more outbreak had been recorded at a Seniors long term care facility, this one in the Fraser Health Region, that now makes for 23 outbreaks of long term care, with the Doctor indicating that is an are of particular focus for health officials, where they know there have been two very serious outbreaks that continue, while the remainder have been caught early to protect the residents of those facilities.

149 British Columbians remain hospitalized with COVI-18, 68 of them are in ICU or critical care facilities in the province.

The Doctor also made note that three more patients have passed away from COVID-BC, expressing her condolences to their families and the pain they are suffering at this moment.

Those passings make for 38 deaths to date from COVID-19 in British Columbia.

On the recovery side of the ledger 704 British Columbians have recovered from the virus, with Dr. Henry making note of the positive news that brings towards their ongoing efforts.

Dr. Henry also outlined some of the research work that is underway in the province and across the country, as well as to how that work and that of the future, will serve to help the province approach its response to this current wave and any upcoming waves of the virus, until we have a treatment and then a vaccine for the virus.

“A key part of our response is high quality scientific research to help B.C. get through the first wave of COVID-19 safely and find ways to prevent it from returning here and around the world. 

A new COVID-19 Strategic Research Advisory Committee, led by Dr. David Patrick and supported by former provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall and other notable public health experts, is facilitating research efforts across the province. 

The committee’s work includes advising the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, which has received $2 million to fund research in several important public health areas. 

Their research will focus on B.C.-specific epidemiology and public health countermeasures to address some of the challenges of long-term care homes, inner city populations, rural communities, Indigenous people, and health-care workers. 

This is in addition to a variety of research that is already underway across B.C., as we do all we can to understand this virus, to stop transmission and protect our province.”

Doctor Henry also stressed the importance of the next few weeks for the province.

"The risk remains very high for us right now in British Columbia, we are in the thick of it and we must hold our line. This is our time to be unwavering in our commitment, to keep our firewall strong. 

To keep our distance between us, our physical distance that safe distance between us that doesn't allow this virus to spread.

But also to ensure that we're taking those measures to stay socially connected, to support each other, in our families in our communities, so we can get through this together"

You can review today's statement here.

The BC Centre for Disease control has some valuable Coronavirus notes related to COVID-19 you can explore that information here.

You can learn more about the outbreak from both the Province and the Federal government from the links below:

Federal Government site

British Columbia Government site

The World Health Organization website also offers up the latest advisories on the global situation.

More from  Northern Health can be reviewed here 

You can review our archive of past statements and local information here.

Local governments and organizations have also provided for increased awareness of COVID-19 issues, the string of statements that came quickly at the end of the week can be reviewed here.

For notes from across Canada and British Columbia we have been archiving the latest items through our political portal Darcy McGee

Ottawa Observations

Victoria Viewpoints

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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