Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Municipalities and First Nations sign on to call for Non-essential Travel restrictions to North Coast, Central Coast and Haida Gwaii

A letter hosted by the Haida Nation website is calling on the Provincial and Federal governments to enforce non-essential travel restrictions to the entire region as part of the ongoing work towards the prevention of the Spread of COVID-19.

The preamble to the letter puts much of the focus towards their efforts to engage the province in their concerns, with much of the direction of the commentary towards protection of the few remaining fluent Haida speakers and traditional knowledge holders.

Together with a unified voice and urgent purpose, leaders from across Haida Gwaii and the North and Central Coast have attempted to work with the Province and Canada to join us in restricting non-essential travel to our communities. 

To date, the Province and Canada have failed to uphold their moral and social responsibility to enforce non-essential travel restrictions that would help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect our few remaining fluent Haida language speakers and traditional knowledge holders. 

 The Haida Nation, working with our neighbours, will continue to explore every possible approach to limit non-essential travellers to Haida Gwaii at this time.” — President of the Haida Nation, Gaagwiis Jason Alsop

The correspondence makes note as to how the risks are different in the area compared to the urban areas, outlining concerns over health care facilities and levels of supplies. 

As well, the signatories highlight the moral and social responsibility of the Province, Canada and RCMP to support and enforce non-essential travel restrictions and authorize municipal and regional districts to do the same.

The letter also outlines how the communities of the region are concerned over a potential surge of travellers arriving in the region "in order to escape urban lockdown or seek freedom of the country." 

The theme of the document also notes how there are concerns that the prospect of non-essential travel will only get worse as the spring and summer seasons move forward.

They further note that that requests for people to voluntarily stay away will fall on the deaf ears of those who do not respect Indigenous title, and those who feel the need to flee for their lives to areas of the Province that currently have no confirmed cases of COVID-19.

It should be noted, that to this point there have been no details presented, or any actual statistical overview provided towards the key themes of the letter.

Those are missing elements which would indicate if the issues that have been raised are making for a significant situation to be addressed at this moment.

The full text of the letter as released today can be reviewed below:

Prince  Rupert Mayor Lee Brain,  Port Edward Mayor Knut Bjorndal and North Coast Regional Director Barry Pages were among those who signed the document, along with First Nations leaders on the North Coast, Central Coast and Haida Gwaii.

The Prince Rupert mayor shared the letter through his Facebook page on Tuesday evening.

You can review the document in full from the Haida Nation website.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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