Thursday, April 9, 2020

Call to stay home over the Holiday weekend the main focus for Thursday COVID update

 A reinforcement on the call for residents of the province to forgo the traditional travel of the Holiday season was a key element of today's update from Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix, as the two officials in the lead of British Columbia's COVID-19 response outlined the latest notes on British Columbia's measures and the progress towards bending the curve.

"As I've been saying all week, we are not over the hump yet and we are going to have a bumpy ride for a while. We're holding our own and we're keeping it down, but we all need to continue to do this. And when we go into this long weekend it's more important than ever, that we keep going, that everything that we are doing now we keep up" -- Dr. Bonnie Henry at today's provincial COVID update

For the daily review of recent case files and notes, the background to new cases provided for close to the constant levels of recent weeks,  though a sad mark was reached today with word of the 50th death in the province related to the virus.

“We are announcing 34 new cases, for a total of 1,370 cases in British Columbia. 

Every health region in British Columbia has patients with COVID-19: 626 are in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, 508 are in the Fraser Health region, 82 are in the Island Health region, 130 are in the Interior Health region and 24 are in the Northern Health region.  

We are saddened to report two new COVID-19 related deaths, one in the Vancouver Coastal Health region and one in Fraser Health region, for a total of 50 deaths in British Columbia. 

We offer our condolences to everyone who has lost their loved ones."

The efforts to try to address the situation in long term care facilities continue to find measures of success, with no new outbreaks declared in the last day and one outbreak in the Lower Mainland declared over.

"Vancouver Coastal and Fraser health teams continue to provide support to the 20 remaining affected long-term care and assisted-living facilities, which have a combined 235 cases of COVID-19. 

To date, 858 people who had tested positive for COVID-19 have recovered and no longer require isolation. 

Of the total COVID-19 cases, 132 individuals are currently hospitalized, 68 of those are in intensive care and the remaining people with COVID-19 are recovering at home in self-isolation."

You  can review the background to the Thursday update here.

British Columbia and Alberta also issued a joint statement today, directed towards residents who normally would be travelling over a holiday weekend, this time, reminding everyone of the need to stay home and to continue the work ahead towards reducing the risk of COVID-19.

“Spending a holiday away from people we care about is difficult – but what we are doing matters. Together, we are helping slow the spread of COVID-19. 

Let us be clear: Staying home means no travelling – especially across our borders. Instead, we encourage everyone to find ways to connect virtually this long weekend, including by video chat or with phone calls."

The BC Centre for Disease control has some valuable Coronavirus notes related to COVID-19 you can explore that information here.

You can learn more about the outbreak from both the Province and the Federal government from the links below:

Federal Government site

British Columbia Government site

The World Health Organization website also offers up the latest advisories on the global situation.

More from  Northern Health can be reviewed here 

You can review our archive of past statements and local information here.

Local governments and organizations have also provided for increased awareness of COVID-19 issues, the string of statements that came quickly at the end of the week can be reviewed here.

For notes from across Canada and British Columbia we have been archiving the latest items through our political portal Darcy McGee

Ottawa Observations

Victoria Viewpoints

Cross posted from the North Coast Review.

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