Monday, April 30, 2012

Of High roads and high numbers

Success, good fortune and relatively few mistakes have made for a rather happy spring for the BC NDP's Adrian Dix, the Provincial party leader currently is enjoying rather high polling numbers and seems one year out to be but a Premier in waiting.

Part of his success of course comes from the implosion of the BC Liberal party, who seem to be finding daily opportunities to shoot themselves in the foot and come across as past their expiry date.

The most recent of bizarre moments from a party currently on the down slope of popularity came when Dix himself was attacked in a rather nasty fashion from the far back benches of the Liberals in the always tumultuous British Columbia Legislature.

Liberal Harry Bloy, who granted probably isn't even very popular within his own group, let loose with one of the nastiest personal attacks in recent BC history and this, a province where nasty seems to be as much part of the process as shaking hands and raising funds.

Bloy outlined what he perceived to be the NDP leaders many character faults, a liar, a cheat, perhaps a thief and then for a complete political meltdown Bloy decided to drag Dix's wife through the mud. It was one of the most vicious attacks that the Leg has seen in many a year and one that left even the most anti-socialist Liberal wondering what the hell was going on in Bloy's head.

With the passage of 24 hours Bloy had personally apologized to Dix and his family, throw for the most part under the bus by his fellow Liberals we imagine he will be left to wander the Legislature cafeteria as one of the unwanted lunch mates, think Mean Girls or an equivalent high school drama and you'll probably fully understand the pain Bloy has caused himself.

There is however one train of thought, that Bloy may actually be doing his political compatriots a favour, by deflecting the heat away from Christy Clark at the moment, if so tis a strange way of taking a bullet for the boss.

At any rate, it's all been beneficial to Dix, who clearly has a pretty tough skin or a calculating mind, having not risen to the bizarre offerings of Bloy, nor for that matter to any other Liberal baits in recent months.

His high road, providing him with many accolades as someone who for the moment anyways, has risen above the normal garbage that passes for BC politics.

An election of course is still a year away and judging by the Liberal confusion and concern, we doubt very much of an early trek to the polls, so there is still time for many mistakes to pass from the opposition party and their leader.  Though, you have to admit, just sitting back and watching the Liberals go the full cannibal certainly seems to  be working out well.

For now, and considering the nature of his arrival as leader of the NDP but a year ago (anyone remember Carole James brave soldier that she was holding out against the Bakers dozen) the heat is clearly on the other side of the aisle at the legislature.

And it's a heat that seems to be burning out the Liberals one after the other through the early months of the Christy Clark era, a time compendium which may it seems be very fleeting.

Vancouver Sun-- Dix hopes taking the high road will resonate better with voters
Vancouver Sun-- Adrian Dix sound  more confident than ever
Vancouver Sun--  Dix not making campaign promises as he entertains thoughts of governing
Globe and Mail-- B. C. Liberal MLA apologizes, retracts accusations against Dix
CBC-- B. C. Liberal apologizes following bizarre blast at NDP leader
Vancouver Province-- New Liberal campaign czar has work cut out for him

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