Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bev, meet Bill...

Clearly Bev Oda doesn't watch much television these days, the Conservatives embattled Development Minister, suffering the self inflicted wound of over-indulgence, is feeling the heat over her travel exploits to London.

A magical mystery tour of swanky hotel upgrades, fascinatingly expensive orange juice and limousine service when mere cabs won't suffice.

CBC-- Oda apologizes for swanky hotel stay
Globe and Mail-- Bev Oda apologizes "unreservedly" for pricey London hotel upgrade
Globe and Mail-- Bev Oda repays taxpayers after opting for swanky hotel favoured by royalty
Toronto Star-- Five-star hotel not good enough, Bev Oda opts for posh hotel favoured by royalty
Toronto Star-- International Development Minister Bev Oda apologizes for luxury hotel spending
National Post-- Bev Oda repays taxpayers for $600 a night swanky Savoy hotel stay...
National Post-- Bev Oda has a perfectly rational explanation for living like a pasha... Dear Bev Oda: I want my money back
Sun News-- Minister for the poor has rich tastes
Macleans-- Bev Oda overconfidence
Macleans-- A glass of orange juice that shall live in infamy
Vancouver Sun--  Limo bill repaid, but opposition still want's Oda's head
Ottawa Citizen-- Conspicuous consumption

She provided the obligatory apology and reportedly has repaid the beleaguered taxpayers for her days of luxury, but at some time you have to wonder if Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Conservatives, who seem to subscribe to the theory of do as we say, not as we do, may wish to shuffle up a cabinet position or two.

This is not the first time that Ms. Oda's spending has raised a few eyebrows beyond the accounting offices and maybe, just maybe, this latest faux pas of largess will provide for a time out for Ms. Oda.  Perhaps banishment to the  backbenches, where travel claims never see the light of day, might help to reinforce the theory of parliamentary entitlement.

Until then, for future reference for Ms. Oda and other like minded Parliamentarians, perhaps a solution for the need for luxury combined with cost effectiveness, Bill, it's over to you...

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