Saturday, July 30, 2016
MLA's week, July 25-28, 2016
Vacation plans and summer event schedules were interrupted this week as MLA's were summoned to Victoria to discuss and vote on a pair of issues related to the province's Human Rights Act and Vancouver's current real estate speculation situation.
The session which was called earlier in the month, found MLA's back in their seats from July 25-28 to review the Liberal government's two agenda points, as well as to raise other items of note that have been percolating since the Legislature last sat in session back in May.
On the week, Ms Rice was listed four times in the account of the sessions of the Legislature from July 25 to 28.
On Monday morning, the North Coast MLA offered up some observations related to the NDP's Power BC proposals, focusing on how the NDP would approach the use of BC Hydro differently that the Liberals.
NDP outline Power BC energy plan for British Columbia
Monday afternoon found the MLA speaking out as part of the discussion on the Liberal government's amendment to the Human Rights Act, outlining some of her disappointment in the comments from some on the government side of the house, while providing some personal notes on the topic for the Legislature to consider.
Jennifer Rice takes to Legislature floor to speak on Bill 27 changes to Human Rights Act
Tuesday morning provided Ms. Rice to provide a tribute to a North Coast business, as she spoke to how the Wheelhouse Brewing Company has added to the Prince Rupert social scene.
MLA celebrates local brewery with comments to Legislature
The MLA also sought to learn more about the status of the province's Air Shed report and the findings for the Prince Rupert region, asking a short question on the theme of Environment Minister Mary Polak in the Thursday morning session.
Ms. Rice was advised that it was anticipated that the report would be released shortly. (see the 11:00 AM mark of the Legislature Minutes to read more of that short exchange.
Ms. Rice is also a member of the Committee on Children and Youth, however that Committee did not meet during the course of the last week.
With the two main issues of the summer session addressed by Thursday afternoon, the Legislature was adjourned at just after 5:30.
The brief return to Legislature duties now complete, members will now once again scatter across the province and beyond. Making for a little bit of constituency work to be mixed in with some down time as they head through the summer months and the call, sometime this fall for a return to Victoria.
A period of time where the real preamble to the 2017 election will begin to take shape.
For Ms. Rice the departure from Victoria was set to take her to Haida Gwaii this weekend, where she planned to take part in the ceremony surrounding the raising of a Unity Pole in Skidegate.
There is more background on the North Coast MLA available from our MLA's Week Archive as well as our General Archive on the Legislature.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review
Friday, July 29, 2016
Victoria Viewpoints: Friday, July 29, 2016
Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Provincial scene.
B.C. bomb plotters set free after judge rules RCMP entrapped pair
B.C. pledges to use revenue from new tax for affordable housing
Sure deals could collapse, and other explanations of B.C.'s foreign-buyer tax
B.C. tax on foreign home buyers almost too good to be true
Crown seeks 'terrorism peace bond' for couple convicted then freed in B.C. Legislature bomb plot
Trudeau government signals support for Site C dam, grants two permits
Victoria officers injured in tent city arrest, police report
B.C. property law vulnerable to challenge, says prominent lawyer
Trudeau begins premier's 'get-to-yes' goal with Site C permits
Ottawa urged to fix visa issue keeping cruise ship tourists from Victoria
Alberta builds wall against B.C. craft beer
B.C. hydro rates rise as demand slows
Melanie Mark becomes NDP critic for children and family development
Ottawa Observations: Friday, July 29, 2016
Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Federal scene for Friday, July 29, 2016
The mysterious case of Hunter Tootoo's ban from the Liberal caucus
Missing, murdered indigenous women inquiry details expected Wednesday
B.C. bomb plotters set free after judge rules RCMP entrapped pair
B.C. terror-plot ruling could force police to rethink sting tactics: experts
Missing, murdered Indigenous women inquiry launch coming next week
MPs devoting the summer to electoral reform; a look at what they've heard so far
Canada's main environmental law isn't working
B.C. case proves terror still an issue
RCMP attempt to lure hapless B.C. couple into contrived terror plot was complete debacle
It keeps out fascists! The utterly biased case for why everyone should stop hating first past the post
Despite good returns coming ashore, Prince Rupert's fishery is providing for fewer jobs this summer
During Monday's City Council session Councillor Joy Thorkelson provided council members with a brief update on the 2016 salmon season to this point, offering up a glimpse into how the recent changes at the Canadian Fish Plant in the city have started to have an impact on the economic return from the industry to the city.
Ms. Thorkelson, who is the UFAWU-Unifor representative on the North Coast, noted that while there has been a bumper year to this point for both pink and chum salmon in the region, the numbers of those working at the fish plant on George Hills way are down significantly.
As July comes to an end, Thorkelson outlined that from her numbers, only 250 workers were currently employed at the George Hills facility, with much of the work that has been required that of minimal work, mainly directed towards butchering the catch quickly and preparing it for turn around to be sent to Vancouver for further processing and shipment overseas.
She observed for Council that at this time last year, when the Canadian Fish plant was running its canning lines, there were close to 750 workers employed.
Adding that the city would feel the economic impact to the commercial fishery in town particularly from the reduced amount of work for those that have not been called back this summer.
Her short report to Council can be viewed from the City's Video archive starting at the two hour twenty nine minute mark.
More items related to the North Coast fishery can be found on our archive page.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review
Ms. Thorkelson, who is the UFAWU-Unifor representative on the North Coast, noted that while there has been a bumper year to this point for both pink and chum salmon in the region, the numbers of those working at the fish plant on George Hills way are down significantly.
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The loading dock at Canadian Fish on George Hills Way was in full motion this week as fish landed in Prince Rupert headed out of town |
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Boats making their arrival at the Canadian Fish unloading docks bringing in the catch from recent fishing efforts |
As July comes to an end, Thorkelson outlined that from her numbers, only 250 workers were currently employed at the George Hills facility, with much of the work that has been required that of minimal work, mainly directed towards butchering the catch quickly and preparing it for turn around to be sent to Vancouver for further processing and shipment overseas.
She observed for Council that at this time last year, when the Canadian Fish plant was running its canning lines, there were close to 750 workers employed.
Adding that the city would feel the economic impact to the commercial fishery in town particularly from the reduced amount of work for those that have not been called back this summer.
Her short report to Council can be viewed from the City's Video archive starting at the two hour twenty nine minute mark.
More items related to the North Coast fishery can be found on our archive page.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review
Drake Crescent housing development gains Council approval
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Property Developer Kevin Stunder provided a brief overview of his proposed development for the Drake Crescent/Prince Rupert boulevard area of the city |
A short presentation from the development proponent Kevin Stunder of Aurora Resorts provided the background to the proposed development, which will feature two buildings consisting of no more than 80 units in total.
The mix of the units to be constructed would be one, two and three bedrooms, though it has not yet been determined if the building will be stratified and sold to individual buyers, or rented out.
Two members of the public participated in the public hearing, with realtor Victory Prystay offering his support to the proposed development, noting how it would help to answer some of the housing concerns in the community.
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Council moved forward with plans for a two building housing concept for the Drake Crescent area |
As well, the developer was praised for his efforts when it came to the covenants that the city had
placed on the land in question, addressing the concerns of the city related to project density and the need to assist in amenity development in the form of a trail that is located near the proposed development.
On the theme of the trail development, the developer will either offer his services to work on the trail site, or contribute cash towards the project.
No timeline was outlined to Council on Monday evening however that indicates when the work on the actual housing proposal may get underway.
You can review more of Monday's discussion from our Council Timeline feature.
The full account of the Drake Crescent zoning issues can be found from the City's Video Archive, the Public hearing can be viewed from the very start of Monday's session, while Council's discussion and vote on the topic comes at the one hour and nineteen minute mark.
For more items related to housing in Prince Rupert see our Housing archive page here.
More background on City Council discussions can be found on our archive page.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review
City Council adds Seniors Housing requirement and development timeline covenants to Graham Avenue land sale
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City Council has voted to sell a parcel of land on Graham Avenue to developers The Bryton Group, but added a number of covenant items to the sale. |
The latest twist in a long running discussion on land use in the west side neighbourhood came after Prince Rupert City Council added a number of covenant items to the plan to sell a parcel of land to the developer.
The new covenants to be put in place were introduced by Councillors Thorkelson and Cunningham as part of Monday's council session.
By the time the final comment had been made and the back and forth of discussion had come to an end, Council had put in place what it called their only tool available at the moment, as they looked to ensure that the wishes of the City and the area residents would be heard by the developer.
From their deliberations on Monday a number of additional conditions have been put in place when it comes to the land sale, with the main focus directed towards Council's reinforcement of its desire to see a Seniors Housing condo unit included in the development plan as part of the covenant package related to the sale of the land to the Bryton Group.
Along with that key element, Council will place a number of timeline benchmarks that the developer will have to meet when it comes to the long discussed property development on the west side.
The lengthy Monday night session featured two distinct sections to the discussion, the first through a forty four minute public comment opportunity provided to residents in attendance at the Council session, with eleven participants taking advantage of the Committee of the Whole Session to express their concerns related to the land sale and development plans for he neighbourhood.
When the minutes of both the Public comment opportunity and follow up Council session are added up the Graham Avenue land issue grabbed over one hour and forty minutes of the two and a half hour Council session.
The nature of the way that the issue was approached by Council on Monday however, seemed to provide the image of two competing sets of lectures, one from the residents of the neighbourhood, the other by members of City Council.
Despite the lengthy amount of time allocated towards the topic, there were actual few moments where each side actually engaged with each other on the many issues that seemed to dominate Monday's discussion.
Of the eleven residents who spoke, ten offered up a list of issues that they wished the city to consider, among the key concerns were:
The use and timing of the Alternate Approval Process, with some noting that many were away during the summer and calling for a full public hearing in September.
A belief that the City was selling the land at a fire sale price, suggesting to Council that if the City has to sell a piece of land to move a housing development forward then maybe they have the wrong developer in place.
Lack of information provided to the area's residents related to what the proposed development will look like.
A need to respect the long time residents of the neighbourhood and respect their wishes.
Concerns related to increased traffic and the impact on the vulnerable road and sewer infrastructure in the Graham/Atlin Avenue area.
Only one participant in the public comment period offered unqualified support for the project, with Realtor and Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce President Keith Lambourne offering up his observations on the need for more housing in the community and a desire to see some shovels finally hit the ground when it comes to housing proposals.
To try and provide some clarity on the issue of land valuations, Kevin Stunder, who has provided some consultation work on behalf of the Bryton Group offered up some insight as to how the land valuation had been determined.
Once the public comment period had been exhausted, the topic would return later in the evening as part of Council's Regular Agenda, when Council members weighed in for a fifty six minute discussion on the theme,
Councillors Niesh and Mirau provided the opening conversation points as they relayed a range of thoughts when it came to the concerns raised by the public.
Councillor Niesh who noted that he had wished that the Graham Avenue residents had stayed through the Council session to hear his thoughts, noting that he had listened to their presentations earlier in the session.
He then recounted some of his findings from a nine hour tour of the Graham Avenue area on Saturday.
From his study he offered up findings that indicated a split for the most part in the neighbourhood on the issue of the land sale and proposed housing development.
From Mr. Niesh's account he observed that 23 had agreed with the proposed development, 5 against it while 7 were considered neutral. On the issue of the land sale, 20 were in favour of selling it, with six stating that they were against the sale.
The councillor also offered up his belief that some of the residents appeared to have felt pressured by their neighbours to sign the AAP.
Councillor Niesh also observed that he believes that the City could have done more to inform the residents of the area about the land sale and the AAP approach that the city had decided to use.
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Councillor Blair Mirau had many challenges to offer when it came to Monday's decision to install covenants to a land sale on the west side of the city |
He also reminded Council of the city's approach to the efforts that the city made to inform the public, including a video which he hosted explaining the AAP process.
As well, on the theme of misinformation, Councillor Mirau noted that while he lives in the Section Two area, he had not been invited to a meeting related to the land issue, suggesting that organizers had purposely chosen not to invite him, perhaps knowing that he would offer a different perspective.
As they moved through the fifty six minutes of discussion on the issue, other Councillors weighed in, with both Councillors Cunningham and Randhawa noting that they believed that the valuation of the land was low.
Councillor Thorkelson returned to a theme she had raised with the residents earlier in the evening, noting that while she acknowledged that many of the residents felt strongly about the development, they appeared to be using the land sale issue as another way to try and influence the developer into doing what they believe was promised back in the past.
She observed that the input from the residents puts the focus back on the issue of the wish to see a Seniors housing condo located in the area, reminding council that such a project was something that she had been advocating in favour of for a number of years.
The Mayor also noted that the residents were not saying no to development, but that the issue of Seniors Housing was something that many residents of the Graham Avenue area consider to be something that had been originally promised when the area was first proposed for development.
Mayor Brain observed that through additional steps added to the land sale, the City is providing some assurance to the residents that they are working to achieve that goal, using the only tool they have at the moment to deliver it.
The debate entered the home stretch with Councillor Mirau and Councillor Thorkelson exchanging thoughts on the concepts of private property rights, compared to collective rights, with Councillor Mirau expressing his concerns as to how any property developer may view such last minute covenants and how it could have an impact on how any developer views their plans in Prince Rupert.
To bring the motion to a vote, Council then heard the covenant proposals that both Councillor Cunningham and Thorkelson had originally offered up for consideration earlier in the evening.
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Councillor Cunningham making his final points on the Graham Avenue land sale |
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Councillor Thorkelson responding to some of Councillor Mirau's concerns on Monday evening |
In his closing remarks, Councillor Cunningham echoed some of thoughts of Councillor Niesh from earlier in the session, noting that the covenants will try to reach the original intent of the project and should help to move the proposed development forward, noting that there has been little progress so far and how the time lines should help spur on the project.
After the final comments were delivered, and with a bit of last minute tweaking towards the final draft of the covenants to be put in place Council voted to 6-1 to adopt the motion, with Councillor Mirau noting that he was in favour of the land sale but strongly registering his opposition to the covenant provisions.
With the motion passed, the following conditions will be put in place when it comes to the sale of the Graham Avenue land.
The construction of the site be completed in full by December 31st of 2019
A percentage of not less than thirty percent of the total number of units be solely dedicated for seniors and provisioned with wheelchair accessibility,
A development permit must be obtained by December 31st of 2017.
And should any of the provisions within the covenant not be met in full within the time lines as specified, the City of Prince Rupert shall have the right to take back the lands previously sold at a rate of the original sale price at appraised value less twenty percent for administration costs.
The evening made for a fascinating, if at times somewhat tiring review, of how local government in the community moves. Any resident looking to learn more about how a number of conflicting views on a controversial issue get thrashed out in Council chambers, should give Monday's session a viewing.
You can review our full overview of both the Public Hearing and following Council discussion through our Council Timeline feature.
The two segments can also be reviewed from the City's Video Archive, the Public hearing section can be found starting at the 26 minute mark, while Council's deliberations on the motion can be followed starting at the one hour thirty two minute mark.
Some past background on the long running discussions related to the Graham/Park Avenue development plans can be found below.
July 2016 -- City set to move on land issue off Graham after AAP results released
May 2016 -- City to make use of Alternate Approval Process for Graham Avenue Land sale
January 2016 -- Council pulls west side road closure bylaw from Agenda consideration
July 2015 -- Concerns over Graham Avenue Road extension dominate Park Avenue Public Hearing
July 2015 -- Park Avenue Housing Development to get Second Public Hearing
June 2015 -- Park Avenue proposal receives petition push back
June 2015 -- Councillor Thorkelson looks to include Senior's Housing in Park Avenue Development planning
April 2015 -- Public Meeting scheduled regarding Park Avenue Housing rezoning issue
March 2015 -- Proposed West Side Housing Development moves to public notification stage
March 2015 -- Council to consider Zoning issues related to proposed housing development off of Park Avenue
March 2014 -- Council takes Graham Avenue Condo project to public comment phase
February 2014 -- City considers townhouse development for Graham Avenue area
More items related to City Council discussions can be found on our Council Discussion page.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review
City Council Timeline: Monday, July 25, 2016
The one major drawback of City Council's summer schedule of reduced meetings was pretty clear on Monday evening, as the need to catch up on a range of issues that face the city's council members meant that a marathon two and half hours of work was required to tackle the night's agenda.
Much of Monday's session dedicated towards the issue of the sale of a parcel of land on Graham Avenue to the Bryton Group, with residents of the area adding their voices to the conversation, prior to Council addressing the topic later in the evening.
Monday's session started off with a Public Hearing related to zoning changes for a property on Drake Crescent and Prince Rupert Boulevard.
A Committee of the Whole session was also featured as part of the evening's work, and it was at that time that a number of residents took advantage of that opportunity to offer comments on the city's plans to sell a parcel of land off of Graham Avenue.
That topic would make for a portion of the Regular Council session, along with a number of other items on the evening that made up the items of consideration in the Regular Session.
Before the evening would come to an end, Council had also discussed a number of variance requests, moved forward with a proposed development for the Drake Crescent area and addressed the topic of moving forward with a one kilometre rule related to liquor establishments in the community.
For some background on the evening's scheduled items of note, the Agenda for the Regular Council session for July 25, 2016
Council also had a Closed Session scheduled previous in the evening.
Further information from our overview and placement in the video archive can be found below, with the permanent record of the minutes added as they are posted to the city website.
In attendance July 25, 2016
Mayor Lee Brain-- Present
Councillor Barry Cunningham-- Present
Councillor Blair Mirau -- Present
Councillor Wade Niesh -- Present
Councillor Nelson Kinney-- Absent
Councillor Gurvinder Randhawa-- Present
Councillor Joy Thorkelson -- Present
Video Archive for July 25, 2016
(0:00-- 26:30) Public Hearing related to property at Prince Rupert Boulevard and Drake Crescent Monday, July 25, 2016 -- The public hearing opened up with a presentation from Kevin Stunder of Aurora Resorts who offered up some background to his company's concepts to create residential housing in the region, providing three different plans that are being considered.
The three versions for consideration highlighted parking options, green space provisions and layout reviews for the two buildings that have been proposed to house up to 80 units on the land in question.
Councillor Randhawa had one question related to traffic concerns, while Councillor Thorkelson inquired about the nature of the covenants that the developer had reached with the City related to the development.
Those two covenants involved limits on the amount of units to be built and a contribution either by way of constructing a trail in the immediate area of the housing development, or providing cash towards it.
Councillor Cunningham asked as to the mix of housing that is planned as part of the development and what the scale of rents would be. He was advised that the mix would be one, two and three bedroom units, as for rents it has not been determined if the building would be stratified as of yet.
Mayor Brain then called on City Planner Zeno Krekic to then provide some background related to the proposed development and answering a number of question raised by Council members.
When it came to the public comment phase of the evening, two members of the public came forward, with Realtor Victory Prystay offering his support towards the proposed development suggesting that it would help to answer some of the housing concerns in the community at the moment. One other resident came forward to express some thoughts towards the nature of the design of the property in question.
With no other members of the public coming forward to comment, the Public Hearing came to a close.
( 26:00 --1:10:00 ) Committee of the Whole Session for Monday, July 25, 2016 -- The Committee of the Whole Session began with the introduction of the Graham Avenue Alternate Approval Process added to the evenings proceedings.
Prior to opening the forum to the public, the Mayor noted that the AAP process did not require a public hearing, but that Council had chosen to allow for comments related to this particular AAP initiative. He noted the rules that govern the Committee of the Whole public comment period, advising that each participant should limit their comments to three minutes.
With the guidelines delivered, the topic was turned over to the public for comment.
Eleven residents came forward with a range of comments related to the proposed sale of land off of Graham, among some of their notes on the issue:
The opening couple to participate issued a request for a postponement of any decision until September and the call for a public hearing, noting that many in the neighbourhood are away during the summer months. Others raised Concerns related to infrastructure and traffic issues on the west side were also raised during the course of the public comment period.
Some noted that they are not against development, but that they don't know what the nature of the development of the land in question will be. Also raised were concerns over stated value of the property that the city hopes to sell, with suggestions that the city should not sell the land to a private developer and that further review of the value of the land should be conducted.
Questions related to aspects of the Community Charter, the use of the AAP mechanism and how the city is approaching the issue were raised as part of the public comment period, with concerns raised that if the city feels that they have to sell this land at a fire sale price to move a housing project forward then they may have the wrong developer in place.
One participant expressed concerns over a lack of information available to residents of the area as to the plans for the development, as well as adding his voice to concerns over the financial return that the city is to receive from the sale of the land.
Another resident of the area, echoed the call to wait until the summer is over and consult the neighbourhood as a whole, noting that it is the long time residents that have made neighbourhood what it is today and deserve more of a say into what will affect them, adding that Council should listen to their concerns.
Other items of note from the residents included the nature of comparing property values from one side of the city to the Graham Avenue area, making note of the tax levels found in the west side area.
Only one participant offered up unqualified support for the proposed development.
Keith Lambourne, a local realtor and head of the Prince Rupert and District Chamber of Commerce spoke in favour of the sale of the land, noting the need for housing in the community and calling attention to the fact that there is a need to get some shovels in the ground when it comes to housing proposals in the community.
Kevin Stunder, who has been providing some consultation work on the land in question for the Bryton Group provided some insight into the nature of the land valuation that had been determined for the lots being considered. Noting that an independent appraiser had offered up the value in question, adding that the lots in question are considered undevelopable and that the project would not extend into that area and that the property would provide definition for the existing development plan.
Councillor Thorkelson offered up some comments related to their concerns, noting that the land in question is not at the moment an actual park, asking the delegation to Council if they are asking that the City develop that land as a park. She then expanded on her thoughts as to what such a potential community enhancement could look like.
As a form of further background on the issue, she noted that the land in question had been sold by one private owner to the Bryton Group and that the city had no say over that sale, however she noted that they do have a say over the stretch of land in question. She added that if the residents are using the issue as a way to stop a development they don't want in their area they should say that, but if they are actually proposing that the land could turned into green space then they should express that concept which she would be interested in following up on.
Councillor Cunningham offered up his thoughts on the issue of the land appraisal in question, with the Mayor seeking some background on the topic from the Corporate Administrator.
As the public comment period came to a close, some of the Graham Avenue residents reviewed their key concerns related to the land issue, repeating many of their previous themes and offering up some further background as to the nature of their neighbourhood.
The Mayor then outlined that Council would consider the issue later as part of the Regular Council session.
As for other topics for consideration as part of the Committee of the Whole session, no residents came forward to offer up other items for discussion, the Mayor then suspended that aspect of the proceedings and moved on to the rest of the Agenda for the evening.
(1:08:00--1:08:30) Regular Council Session for Monday, June 27, 2016 -- The Mayor reviewed past minutes and the current agenda for the evening.
Reports to Council
(1:08:30 --1:10:30 ) Report from the City's Chief Financial Officer outlining the June Financial variance report -- Ms. Corinne Bomben provided the background to the report noting that most operating departments are within budget, though the Airport Ferry revenues are down due to the departure of Hawkair. She also outlined how the Cow Bay Marina is heading into its busy summer period.
Councillor Thorkelson offered up some observations and asked questions related to the Cow Bay Marina financial items.
Council voted to receive the report.
( 1:10:30--1:13:30 ) Report from the City Planner regarding a request for a development variance permit for a property on Ambrose Avenue -- City Planner Zeno Krekic provided a review of the background on a request for a variance permit for a property on Ambrose Avenue.
Council voted to approve the motion and moved the item to the public notification process.
( 1:13:30 -- 1:18:00 ) Report from the City Planner providing details on the request for a variance permit for a development by Horizon North -- Mr. Krekic outlined the background to a request to change the parking requirements for a proposed work camp location to be created behind the Lester Centre of the Arts in the area of the old trailer park. The main thrust of the request is to reduce the amount of parking required at the proposed site from 168 to 110 parking spaces.
The City Planner offered up some notes for consideration from Horizon North's camps located in Alberta and how those parking provisions can be compared to the Prince Rupert proposal.
Councillor Niesh provided a few thoughts in support of the proposed development.
Council voted to approve the Motion and the process now moves on to final consideration.
( 1:18:30 -- 1:19:30 ) Report from the City Planner providing details on the request for a variance permit for a development on Atlin Avenue -- Mr. Krekic outlined the background to a proposed variance for work on a deck to the property in question.
Council voted to approve the Motion and the process now moves on to public notification.
( 1:19:30--1:25:30 ) Drake Crescent Zoning and Covenants -- With Council having hosted the Public Hearing related to the proposed development on Drake Crescent, council offered up some final thoughts on the topic.
Councillor Mirau opened the conversation, highlighting how the project is consistent to the city's land use policies and making note of the covenants in place related to density. Councillor Cunningham also outlined his support to the proposed development, noting the willingness of the developer to get some boots on the ground and to launch the project.
The Mayor observed as to the voluntary contribution aspect of the developers plans when it comes to amenities in the area in the form of a trail.
Councillor Niesh echoed those comments offering his salute to the developers work with the city on the proposal.
Councillor Randhawa outlined his support calling attention to the nature of the city's housing supply at the moment. Councillor Thorkelson had a question on procedure on the motion, asking where the covenant comes into play as far as the motion is considered.
It was noted that the covenant was not included in the original motion, with Councillor Thorkelson recommending that an amendment be added to include the two issues related to the issue.
Council then gave third and final reading to the required bylaw.
( 1:25:00 -- 1:32:00 ) One Kilometre rule on Liquor establishments -- The City Planner provided some further background related to the proposed rule to regulate the distance between liquor establishments in the community to one kilometre from door to door.
Councillor Niesh noted that the rule was designed to protect the local operators in the community.
Councillor Mirau expressed his concerns over the introduction of more red tape for local business, calling attention to some recent developments in Kamloops, adding that he believes has more important priorities to deal with.
Councillor Cunningham countered those concerns, adding he believes that the bylaw is good one for the city and that it is designed to assist the local small retailers in the community, addressing his concerns over the prospect of the introduction of liquor sales into larger retail options.
Noting that if the Council chooses to change the regulation, or add a variance to it, they can address it again should the population grow or the demand to change the bylaw arrive.
Councillor Thorkelson noted her concerns over alcohol issues in the community and that she didn't believe it was wise to increase access to alcohol through the grocery stores in the community. Adding that she frequently finds that the senior level of government in Victoria introduces issues that don't consider the impact on local communities.
The motion was carried with Councillor Mirau voting in opposition to it.
( 1:32:00 -- 2:25:00 ) Graham Avenue Land Sale -- With the public comment period of the Committee of the Whole providing for much of the background for consideration on the sale of land off of Graham Avenue, Council gave consideration to the two recommendations to remove park dedication to the land in question and allow for the sale of the land to the Bryotn Group.
Councillor Niesh led off the conversation on the issue, noting that it had become a rather contentious one for the city to deal with. He observed that many of the Graham Avenue residents had left the chambers and how he wished they had remained for the remainder of the session noting that he had listened to their concerns, and wished that they were there to hear his comments.
He then provided some of his notes from his nine hours in the neighbourhood the previous Saturday, where he sought opinion from area residents. From his review he called on 78 homes, though noted many were not home. For those that were home he culled a number of responses on the issue of the land in question.
From those he spoke with, 23 agreed with the development, 20 were for the sale of the property, seven were neutral, five were against the development and six were against the selling of the land, which he determined offered up about 80 percent approval of those he polled.
He heard some concerns over the process that the city had used to seek opinion through the AAP and suggested that the city could have done a better job of informing the public on the issue.
Other comments were related to the nature of the development and the valuation of the land that had been determined. The councillor also observed that some residents felt pressured by their neighbours to sign the AAP documents.
He noted that the land in question is considered undevelopable and not something that he would consider parkland and that the sale offers a chance to generate revenue for the city and if the city goes ahead with the sale it could generate increased tax revenue through property development.
Councillor Mirau challenged Mr. Niesh's observations related to a lack of information available to the public, noting that there was some misinformation disseminated through the neighbourhood by area residents, something which was hard for the city to confront. He noted some of the efforts that the city took to inform the public, including his participation in the information campaign and a recent video that he hosted to present the issue to the public.
Further to the misinformation aspect of the issue, he noted some of the concerns that he had heard during the process, such as traffic issues and loss of foreshore access that did not reflect the nature of the land in question and any impact of sale of it, suggesting that comparisons to Stanley Park or or Prince Rupert's Service Park were completely ridiculous, noting that you can't build a staircase to nowhere.
Councillor Mirau also observed that he lives in the section two area and that when residents of the neighbourhood organized a recent meeting related to the issue, they did not extend an invitation to him. Suggesting that they had puprosely chosen not to invite him, knowing that he would offer a different perspective.
His other observations on the issue included the aspect of the purchase price, noting that while it is true that the land does have more value to the developer than it does to the appraised value, there is a flaw in that rationale, as the city charges tax rates based on assessed value.
The comparison of per square foot costs were also a subject of his thoughts, with the councillor noting that the nature of the lot in question doesn't warrant the same consideration as that of a building lot.
He also reflected on the aspect of adding value to the land, challenging the perception in the neighbourhood that the plan is that of a fire sale, calling that belief among area residents as wrong, noting that the city is looking to get better value for the taxpayers and how this project accomplishes that.
He also addressed concerns over the Alternative Approval Process noting concerns in the neighbourhood over making it a city wide issue and not limiting it to the area in question, which residents suggest would have provided for a very different result.
Using a past discussion related to the a previous council's efforts to find land for an Emergency Service building, Council, Councillor Mirau noted that in his opinion it would be unfair to limit discussion on any parkland issue to just residents in one area of the city.
Councillor Thorkelson's contribution to the discussion first started with a question on procedure and what council was currently taking under consideration, after some clarification on the theme she then offered up something that she and Councillor Cunningham had discussed, outlining their thoughts when it came to putting a covenant in place on the land in question.
Councillor Cunningham followed up on that theme, first expressing his concerns over the valuation that was determined for the land, suggesting that the city could have received more money for the land in question. He added that he wasn't opposed to the development as it stands as long as Council controls the development there and that any value from the sale won't come until the proposed development moves forward and could offer other options for discussion.
Councillor Randhawa offered up some comments over traffic and infrastructure issues that the residents had expressed, adding that he also believes that it is too low and suggested that the city seek out a second opinion on the land valuation.
Councillor Niesh observed that Council could sit around for months and still not get a price that all would agree on, noting that they had hired a professional to provide the value of the land in question. He also provided some thoughts on the obstacles to developing land in Prince Rupert and how the city needs to be aware of those issues that face them. He also reminded Council that the land in question is not really a park, but more of a drainage ditch.
The Mayor offered up some background from a meeting he held with Graham Avenue residents a few months ago, noting that at the time the City hadn't decided on how they were going to approach the process towards the issue. He recounted that at the time he had communicated to the residents that the property adjacent to the lot in question had already been rezoned in another process, with the original owners having sold the land to someone else.
He added that as long as the development plan fits into the existing guidelines and permit process the developers don't have to come back to Council and can build whatever they wish as they already have the zoning in place and own the private properly. He observed that whether the land in question was sold or not the developer can build what they wish and the L shaped lot would be trapped in front of a development and only accessible through the public property by way of private property.
He also noted that by selling the land, the City was adding additional value to a lot that would otherwise be trapped, providing for additional units which provide more tax revenue for the community to do the things that we need to do. For the residents of the region, the Mayor observed that Council had created parkland with its designation of land on Atlin as the Odd Eidsvik park which would be available for use.
Councillor Randhawa reiterated his belief that the city should seek out a second opinion on the valuation of the land to see if there may be more revenue to be received by the city.
The Mayor then outlined the results of the AAP process and moved forward with the vote on the issue on the night, declaring that the City of Prince Rupert had obtained the assent of electors to move forward with the proposed park dedication removal and to direct staff to move forward with the sale of the subject lands to the Bryton Group, to be consolidated with the adjacent lands.
Council then moved towards their final vote to approve the sale of the land, with the two covenants proposed by Councillor's Thorkelson and Cunningham put in place.
Heading into that vote, Council members worked their way through the wording of the covenants, offering up a number of revisions before settling on the final terminology.
Councillor Thorkelson offered up a friendly amendment that specified the subject lands value of 21,000 dollars, or if a second appraisal provides a second price, that price will be used.
Councillor Niesh offered up concerns over the dates of the timeline specified, suggesting that they were unrealistic and suggesting that those dates should be changed by one year, Council then approved those changes.
Councillor Mirau then weighed in with his concerns over the nature of the covenants in place, noting that from his perspective adding such specific conditions fundamentally changes the proposal and while supporting the concept of a covenant in general, he doesn't believe that there is a need to set the timelines in place, suggesting that Council could work in good faith with the developer on those issues that concern council.
He expressed his concerns over property rights as key to Western civilization and noted that if Council puts covenants in place at the last minute that are that specific, could give cause for other developers to be be hesitant to invest in the community.
Councillor Thorkelson countered some of Councillor Mirau's observations, noting that she wasn't too concerned about private property rights, pointing to other countries that are democratic states and how they approach restrictions to property issues. She then addressed the Graham land issue observing that in her opinion the residents of the neighbourhood feel strongly about this development and are using the issue of the so called park as a way to try influence the developer into doing what they believe was promised, that being a seniors housing condo unit, adding that would be something that she would like to see in that location.
She noted that at the moment the City does not have in place changes to the city's building standards and that putting the covenants in place is the only tool that the City has to address what the City and the residents of the neighbourhood really want.
Councillor Niesh highlighted the need to ensure that some form of progress was made on the land in question, adding that it was time for the developers to start building, or to step aside and let someone else develop the land.
Councillor Mirau challenged a number of Councillor Thorkelson's observations, with a particular focus towards what tools Council had to ensure that the city's wishes were followed by developers, noting that the City's planning department and building inspectors can exert control. He then turned his attention to Councillor Niesh's comments, noting that putting covenants in place at the last moment is not the path to follow and that if council is not going to respect private property rights, he questioned as to what are were doing.
The Mayor observed that there are still residents in that neighbourhood that believed that senior's housing was to be part of the development, noting that the proposed moves by the city provides some assurance to the residents and is the city's only tool to achieve that at the moment.
Councillor Cunningham also noted that by putting conditions on the property in question the city is providing for some certainty towards making sure that the development moves forward. Noting that the timelines that the city has in mind should not provide any problems for the developers to meet.
Councillor Niesh then offered up suggestions for revision to the timeline requirements to ease up some of the concerns.
Councillor Mirau reinforced for Council that he was in favour of the need to develop Senior's housing but stressed that the way to achieve that is to ensure that proposed multi family guidelines are put in place as soon as they possibly can, adding that the lack of those guidelines is creating some of the problems that the city is facing at the moment when it comes to housing. He then returned to his fears on how developers may view such last minute changes and what impact that they may have on those development plans.
The Mayor observed that the city at the moment is seeking to find the right balance to address housing concerns, and in this particular circumstance the topic of this development has been stressful for the residents and that he doesn't see the covenant as providing an issue for the developers, while the city will be providing some security for the residents who have expressed their concerns.
Councillor Cunningham noted that Council members have already heard that there is a need for new housing in the community and how the prospect of port development will drive the market more than anything.
Councillors Randhawa and Thorkelson provided a few final thoughts before Council finally got to the motion, with Council voting to approve the motion by a vote of six to one, with Councillor Mirau standing in opposition to the amendment, but noting that he was in favour of the selling of the land in question.
With the vote, the final terms of the covenant were put in place which specify that:
The construction of the site be completed in full by December 31st of 2019
A percentage of not less than thirty percent of the total number of units be solely dedicated for seniors and provisioned with wheelchair accessibility,
A development permit must be obtained by December 31st of 2017.
And should any of the provisions within the covenant not be met in full within the timelines as specified, the City of Prince Rupert shall have the right to take back the lands previously sold at a rate of the original sale price at appraised value less twenty percent for administration costs.
( 2:29:00--2:32:00 ) Reports, Questions and Inquires from Council
Councillor Thorkelson offered up a short update on the state of the fishing season to this point, advising that the Canadian Fish Plant was providing minimal work on fish caught on the North Coast, with the fish then transported by truck to Vancouver for further processing and shipment overseas.
She observed that the current level of employment at the Prince Rupert plant was 250 workers, when at this time last year with a functional canning line the employment levels were at 748. She stressed that even though there were good returns in the pink and chum fishery, the changes at the fish plant would mean that the community would not see the same economic impact to the community of years past.
Councillor Randhawa made a request that the city consider putting a crosswalk in at the Atlin Terminal area across from the Cow Bay Cafe where it seems the majority of visitors and residents are crossing across at.
Councillor Cunningham asked that city staff provide him with the ice schedule for the Civic Centre from last year, as well as the revised one from this year, so he could make comparisons and address some concerns he had received from the public.
You can access the City Council Review for July 25 here, where a number of items regarding the council session, including links to local media coverage, if any, can be found.
As always, our Council Timeline is only a reflection of our observations from the Council session of the night. Be sure to consult with the official minutes from the City, when posted to their website for further review.
In addition to the city's official minutes, the City's Video archive provides a helpful record of the events from each public council session.
Official Minutes of the Regular Council Session from July 25, 2016 (not available yet)
Council members continue with their summer schedule for Regular Council sessions, featuring only one session per month, the next scheduled Council session takes place on August 22nd.
Cross posted from the North Coast Review
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Victoria Viewpoints: Thursday, July 28, 2016
Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Provincial scene.
It's time for Christy Clark to show solidarity with B.C.'s LGBT community
Housing boom spurs Canada lumber surge as U.S. mulls import duty
Pacific NorthWest LNG venture could pose low risk to B.C. salmon habitat
Proposed foreigner tax to help fund Metro Vancouver housing projects
Chinese-language media up in arms over B.C. foreign buyer tax
B.C. realtors voice unease over new foreign-buyer tax
B.C. Hydro CEO mounts cost-cutting effort to cover $3.5B in revenue declines
Developer says foreign buyers tax distracts fro key housing issue: supply
New real estate tax harming foreigners working in B.C., says American buyer
Ottawa needs to step up on B.C.'s fentanyl crisis, says ex-police chief
Fentanyl overdoses not limited to street users, B.C. health officials warn after recent death
B.C. Liberals pass contentious foreign buyer tax into law
Premier apologizes for missing vote on B.C. transgender law
Bruised MLA wins lawsuit for nasty campaign defamation
Ailing ferries slow service to Sunshine Coast
Why a tax now? Liberals saw trouble ahead in Metro suburbs
Provincial trade still too limited
Liberals stand firm on housing tax
Provincial tax could push more buyers to Island: realtor
Ottawa Observations: Thursday, July 28, 2016
Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Federal scene for Thursday, July 28, 2016
Canadian company sold armoured vehicles to South Sudan: report
Sex allegations led to Tootoo's ouster from Liberal caucus
Canadian study to examine scope of PTSD among public-safety workers
Ottawa to open temporary hubs with aim of fixing pay issues by October
Hundreds of employees come forward with Phoenix pay problems
Phoenix public service pay problems could last until October
Canada's top bureaucrat answers questions on Phoenix pay fiasco and Shared Services Canada's woes
Ottawa to create satellite offices in Winnipeg to deal with Phoenix fallout
Backroom battle underway over new frigate design data
Baloney Meter: Brad Wall could challenged federal carbon tax on Crown corps
Hunter Tootoo evades quesitons about alleged sexual relationship with staff member
Diplomats can't reach two Canadians arrested in Turkey after failed coup
Climate denier smear a cheap shot by McKenna
Phoenix explained: Why federal civil servants aren't being paid
Former MP Dean Del Mastro's $26M solar venture in Barbados stuck in the dark
System that's left thousands of bureaucrats without paycheques will be fixed by October - but it won't be cheap
Voice of B.C. -- Premier Clark on Politics
Premier Christy Clark joins host Vaughn Palmer to discuss a range of political issues from the last session and how the Liberals will approach the 2017 provincial election.
July 28
July 28
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Victoria Viewpoints: Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Provincial scene.
B.C. to create task force to address opioid crisis
William and Kate's 2nd Royal visit to Canada will be this fall
New B.C. property tax for foreign buyers hurts province, say insiders
Christy Clark aims to tighten border security, halt opioid traffic
B.C.'s foreign-buyer tax could help China fight corruption: ex-envoy
B.C. Premier misses transgender rights vote to attend party fundraiser
CMHC housing report rings more alarm bells about Vancouver real estate market
Province made an unfortunate interchange choice
No easy answer to housing woes
Public mood hastened real-estate tax
Police costs for tent city reaches more than $140,000
Government shrugs off real estate fallout
Ottawa Observations: Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Our compilation of some of the stories of note from the day, reviewing the political developments from the Federal scene for Wednesday, July 27, 2016.
High house prices spreading to more markets, CMHC warns
Trudeau government lends hand to Inuit suicide prevention
Ottawa hands out back pay to public servants after system issues
Hunter Tootoo acknowledges 'private issues' as he marks return to politics
NDP says meetings between PMO and parliamentary budget officer were 'inappropriate'
Inuit-led suicide prevention strategy to focus on mental wellness, social equity
'I believe in the Trudeau government,' says Hunter Tootoo upon return to office
William and Kate's 2nd Royal visit to Canada will be this fall
Leasing ships for coast guard an option, internal report suggests
Election law needs update to deal with Twitter, Facebook, watchdog says
Justin Trudeau's summer homework: easing Canada's brain drain
Is PM Trudeau's wife Sophie emulating the royals?
Alberta sues itself over carbon pricing
Trudeau's cynical budget promise
NDP vow to 'get Liberals moving' on C-51 promises; will submit private member's bill seeking its repeal
Hunter Tootto resumes MP duties but isn't rejoining Liberal caucus after return from rehab
Green Party issues apology for distributing misleading flyer during last election campaign
Liberals pay $33 million to stay in F-35 development program, despite promise not to buy the fighter jet
Greens slapped for pumping poll that falsely made Race seem tight
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