Tuesday, September 18, 2012

When Political season collides with television season

It's the most wonderful time of the year, for Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, late night talk show hosts and any other satirical show currently in your television universe.

The two political campaigns are providing for much int he way of comedic gold for any and all writers, though only the truly gifted ones will be able to deliver the comedy goods on a frequent basis.

With the countdown to the US Election Day now on, every single moment of a politicians day is up for potential mirth, the folks at Saturday Night Live seem to have put down their comedic line in the sand over the weekend with their season debut.

In the cold opening to the show, Jay Pharoah took sceptre of mimicry from Fred Armisen, taking on the role of Barack Obama as his own, a perhaps long overdue switch, though Armisen's Obama was fairly good over the last few years, one always wondered when Pharoah would get the chance to channel his inner Barry O.

We wonder no more, as the Pharaoh era began in a pretty successful debut, his frequent cut ins to the Romney campaign providing for a  cutting review or is that revue (?),  of the Republican Governor's campaign thus far.

Jason Sudekis, seems destined to be the hardest working guy on the show for the next few months, already known for his biting Joe Biden impersonation, Sudekis now has the dual challenge of divining the best of Romney, the best at least for comedic potential.

One night into the season, he and Pharoah both seem up for the job, all that remains to be seen, is which one still has the SNL heavy lifting once November passes us all by.

You can review the debut of political season on SNL, from the Global website which offers up a number of clips from Saturday's debut.

SNL Cold Opening

Mitt Romney Ad

Clint Eastwood's talking chair tour

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