Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Keep your powder dry...

The best laid plans can be revealed at the most untimely moments, case in point, the daily briefing at the US State Department today which briefly veered into interesting terrain.

Well interesting if you're a suspicious Canadian always on the look for American intent to march north.

A signing ceremony between US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her Mexican counterpart Patricia Espinosa was apparently held behind closed doors, something that caught the attention of the press corps at the State Department, which of course inquired as to the closely kept discussions and if perhaps a secret invasion of Canada was on the agenda.

Much merriment followed among the press pool, all while the State Department categorically denied that any such invasion was on the drawing board (see official transcript).

Though if you think it out a bit and  considering the importance that the Conservatives have placed on the War of 1812, a 200 year bit of payback from the US side could be just the distraction that a troubled US economy could use, or maybe President Obama is just plain tired of hearing about all those commemorative vignettes airing above the 49th...
At any rate, a nation unprepared is ripe for invasion, so we stand at defcon five, eagle eyed for any pending movements from the south (or the north if you hang around Alaska much)

For a sign perhaps, we await the non stop airing of South Park's Blame Canada and a weeks worth of Canadian Bacon as the call to action from the south.

Just sayin' that perhaps it wise to keep your powder dry along Lundy's Lane and other pivotal points, and if a gal named Laura comes by with the word, heed her call to arms.

The Huffington Post has made much hay with the developments of the day, their article and video presentation can be found here.

The daily diversion from the world's pressing problems managed to find some space around the media circuit today.

NBC News-- State Department: No secret plan to invade Canada
Politico-- Obama administration denies plan to invade Canada
New York Post-- It's Offical: The U. S. is not conspiring with Mexico to invade Canada

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