Monday, February 27, 2017

Regional District earmarks $80,000 for rebranding plan

The process of turning Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District into North Coast Regional District is about to get underway.

With twelve days remaining until the North Coast's Regional government begins to consider the applicants looking to sign on to provide consultancy services for the District's new Branding program.

The request for proposals for the project was announced in January and is currently listed with the provincial BC Bid website, from it's Executive Summary, North Coast Regional District outlines the scope of the work ahead for the consultant.

Those notes include a focus directed to tasks related to providing what is called a meaningful corporate brand and associated sub-brands that reflect the region.

The guideline for that corporate brand development calls for consideration of the unique geographic, cultural and environmental characteristics of the NCRD.

The process of creating the new brand will include meetings with the NCRD and engagement with stakeholders, all of which is to lead to the production of new branding, which will include logos, a tagline, appropriate communication materials and website development as well as the creation of an implementation plan.

The budget for the NCRD's rebranding project is listed as 80,000 dollars, which will include for professional consulting services, as well as disbursements related to such things as meetings and travel.

The deadline for applications for the consultants services is March 10th.

Applications and any inquiries related to the Bid request can be directed Dainel Fish, the Corporate Officer at the Regional District Offices:

North Coast Regional District
14 - 342 3rd Avenue West
Prince Rupert BC V8J 1L5
250- 627 -8493

Evaluation and Selection of the successful bid will be handled by an evaluation committee that will be formed by Regional District, with the District noting that their intent is to enter into a contract with the proponent who achieves the highest overall ranking.

The timeline for the rebranding project starts with the assessment of candidates process in March, with the project to receive it's launch sometime in April, the final phase of the process to be achieved by November of this year.

As we noted on the blog in October, Regional District moved the process towards a faster pace with the approval of their request from Peter Fassbender addressed the issue last fall. 

You can review the full 19 information package associated with the bid request from the BC Bid site here, or from the Regional District website here.

For more items of interest related to Regional District affairs on the North Coast see our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review

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