Friday, June 12, 2015

City looks to introduce Development Charges for future developments

It's a practice that is common in a number of British Columbia communities, the process of collecting revenue based on infrastructure service requirements for new developments, reducing the impact of providing sewer, water and other municipal services to building lots.

For a number of years now, for Prince Rupert, the prospect of introducing the concept here has been held back by the sluggish economy and a lack of development options in the community, however it would seem with the City anticipating a surge of growth in the years to come, the time is right for the City take the plunge on service charges.

City manager Robert Long provided the background to the proposed bylaw moves at Monday's Council session, offering up the thumbnail sketch of the proposal for the ailing City Engineering coordinator.

Mr. Long outlined the nature of the city's current infrastructure and how this measure would serve to address some of the issues, with the bylaw designed to get the ball rolling on the initiative. The nature of the proposed level of the rate charges would be determined at future meetings.

The process would be in place for such forms of development as Residential, Commercial, Light Industrial and Major Industrial with a range of charge rates to be considered for each.

Proposed levels of service rate charges to be considered
for future development in Prince Rupert.

As part of the discussion on the topic, Councillor Mirau asked for clarification on the process ahead and whether it sets the rate levels in stone, with Mr. Long advising that they could amend those numbers, outlining how City staff had determined their working numbers through examining other communities in the Northwest.

To better understand the issue, Mr. Mirau asked that city staff provide a report outlining those rates in the other communities before Council decides on the rates for Prince Rupert. Councillor Randhawa added to that request by asking that the report also include property tax rates found in each community for comparison purposes.

As for the process ahead, Mr. Long noted that Council would have time to consider the level of rates to be put in place and that the Bylaw would have to be approved by the province as part of the final stage of the proposal.

You can review the outline of the proposed bylaw including the initial charge rate recommendations from the Agenda pages ( 93-100 ) the discussion on the topic can be found on the City's Video Archive starting at the .

For more items related to City Council Discussions see our archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review

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